Chapter 38

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Y/n made clones and sent them away. They all started jumping from roof to roof, feeling chakra signatures around them, trying to detect that familiar chakra.

Y/n soon felt a large chakra and ran towards the direction from which she felt it. As she ran towards it, she soon started feeling the familiar chakra and a smile came to her lips when she recognised who it was.

There were three more familiar chakra near the large one and Y/n recognised then as Kakashi-sensei, Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei. 

When she arrived at the scene her eyes widened. Kisame was going to kill Asuma-sensei and to distract them and pull their attention towards her, she exclaimed loudly, “Oh! A fishy!”

Y/n started giggling as she walked towards them and started walking on water and Kisame stopped in his tracks annoyed. Everyone’s attention turned towards Y/n.

“Hello fishy,” Y/n giggled making Kisame annoyed.

“Hey! Don’t call me that kid! Or I’ll kill you,” Kisame threaten.

“Too bad. I don’t get scared of fishes. Why don’t you go for a swim fishy?,” Y/n said as she continued walking and stood a bit away from the sensei’s .

Getting annoyed Kisame went to attack Y/n but suddenly water splashes in front of her and there is Guy-sensei standing protectively in front of her as Kisame flew backwards from his kick.

Kakashi-sensei fell in the water and was sinking slowly and Guy-sensei walked over to him, helping him and carrying him on his shoulder.

Asuma-sensei warned Guy-sensei not to look into Itachi’s eyes and he replied saying he knows how to battle a sharingan user as he practiced with Kakashi.

Guy told Kurenai to take Kakashi to medical while he and Asuma would battle Itachi and Kisame until the ANBU he requested comes by. Upon hearing it Y/n made her move.

“I remember you! You’re that guy from Seven Ninjas Swordsman of the Mist! Kisame Hoshigaki!,” Y/n exclaimed.

“Seems like this brat knows me,” Kisame said feeling proud.

“Of course. I had seen your face and info in a newly updated Bingo Book a few years back. A wanted S-ranked criminal,” Y/n said.

“Y/n what are you doing here? Go away right now. Quit chatting with them,” Asuma-sensei said.

“It’s fine sensei. I won’t get hurt,” Y/n reassured looking at Itachi and as she met and held his eyes.

“Y/n don’t look don’t at Itachi in the eyes. You’ll get caught into a genjutsu. Since a while ago we are saying that” Kurenai-sensei scolded Y/n.

“Nii-san knows better than to use sharingan on me. Why would he want to waste chakra on me? I am weak opponent and he could beat me easily,” Y/n said as she rushed forward and engaged into Taijutsu with Itachi.

“Y/n!,” All the three Jonin shouted.

“Wait. You have a sister?,” Kisame asked.

“No. She was just a girl who used to follow me around when she was a kid,” Itachi replied as he blocked another attack.

“Oh. You wound me sensei,” Y/n giggled as she saw Itachi’s eyebrow twitch at the word sensei.

The Jonin wanted to help Y/n but Kisame bought their attention to him so that they can’t help the girl.

“Humph. I see like you have grown a little stronger than before. But you’re still weak and predictable,” Itachi said as he blocked Y/n’s fist and held it in his hands.

Y/n looked Itachi in the eye as she slipped something into his hand. Itachi looked as passive as always as he took it, wondering what she was thinking to be passing notes like that and threw Y/n away.

Y/n flew backwards and Asuma went to break her fall and catch her, only for her to poof away making everyone realise it was just a clone. (Fooled ya, didn’t I?)

With Y/n…
Y/n who was still searching on the other side of the village received the memories from her clone and smiled before releasing the jutsu and making all the other clones disappear too. Her clone had written the note just before reaching them.

Y/n didn’t go or chase after them as she knew she wouldn’t make it there in time. Instead, Y/n walked towards a training ground feeling happy and motivated to train harder so she could try to reveal the truth and protect her nii-san when the time comes.

With Itachi…
“Let’s go Kisame,” Itachi said and both of them disappeared.

As Itachi and Kisame followed Naruto, they found he is with Jiraiya. When they arrived at the village, Kisame goes to a washroom first, leaving Itachi by himself.

Seeing Kisame will take a while to come Itachi removed the note Y/n had passed him during battle. He opened the note and read.

‘Dear nii-san.
I still believe in you. I know you didn’t kill them because you wanted to. I don’t have a proof or anything but I have a strong feeling that you didn’t do it because you wanted to. My pacifist nii-san wouldn’t do something like that without a good reason. When I find out the truth, I’ll come to take you back to the village with me. Take care until then.
Your favourite student, Y/n.

Itachi could hear Y/n say those words to him as if she was there, right in front of him with a smile. He felt a wide range of emotions. He felt happy to hear she believed in him. He felt her determination to find out the truth which made him uneasy. He didn’t want anyone to find out the truth.

He felt angry at himself for not being able to be cruel to her in order to push her away, but he knew she wouldn’t have believed it. That she would have still said the opposite of what he wanted. He knew she was too stubborn for her own good.

Itachi felt overwhelmed with a variety of emotions and he didn’t know what to do with them. He burned the note as he suppressed all his emotions back. Kisame came back and they left to go after Naruto.

Y/n’s POV

Next morning…
After completing my morning routine, I ate breakfast and left to train. On the way I heard Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei talking about Kakashi-sensei being admitted in the hospital.

I walked over to them quickly, “What do you mean Kakashi-sensei is in hospital? He wasn’t badly injured.”

Asuma-sensei and Kurenai-sensei exchanged looks and then Asuma-sensei spoke up, “He wasn’t. But he is in coma. In a genjutsu that Itachi put him in. And no body is able to wake him up.”

“Sasuke is also in the hospital. He is in the same state as Kakashi,” Kurenai-sensei said.

“What?! How?!,” I asked shocked to hear it.

“Sasuke had come to Kakashi’s house and saw him lying on his bed and suddenly a chunin came shouting about Itachi and Kakashi’s fight. After that Sasuke left and we don’t know the details. Guy who went after him bought him back in a bad condition and Sasuke was admitted to the hospital,” Kurenai-sensei explained.

I quickly ran to visit Sasuke and Kakashi sensei in the hospital after thanking them for telling me. Luckily Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke were in the same room and I walked in to see them both laying in bed with pained expressions.

It felt terrible. I wanted to help them but didn’t know what to do, and so I just stayed with them for a while before a nurse came and told me time is up and to let them rest.


Heys guys. How have you been? I hope you liked and enjoyed this chapter. Thank you for reading. Have a great day! Take care of yourself 😘 Love you all my babies 💕 Hugs for you ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ

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