Chapter 16

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(Naruto episode 17)

Noises were heard making us wonder what's going on. After a while we heard another noise. 'Possibly lighting or electric current. But where... Wait... Does someone have lighting chakra here?' I thought.

(Naruto episode 18)

(I know you guys are probably getting annoyed by me writing which episode but... it's for those who haven't watched Naruto and are reading this. Please bear with it.)

The fog was starting to get cleared up. Slowly we could see slight silhouette in the fog. Someone moved and then there was an impact.

What I saw next stunned me. I just froze in my place, tears running down my face. I fell to my knees as my legs gave out.

I saw the guy I met in the forest with Naruto standing in front of Zabuza, bleeding. He seemed to have taken the hit for Zabuza-san. 'Why..? Why did it turn out this way? Why did you have to be our enemy? Why did you have to die?' I cried silently for losing my new friend.

What happened next was a blur until I heard Sakura shout for Naruto and ask him where Sasuke was. I looked up at him, but he didn't meet our eyes.

Sakura and I took Tazuna-san's hand and ran to find Sasuke. 'No, no, no, no. Tell me he's okay. Please tell me I didn't lose another friend today. Please...' I begging in my mind.

We found Sasuke lying there. Not moving. With needles piercing all over his body. 'Calm down y/n. Take deep breaths. Calm down. You need to check him. Deep breaths' I reminded myself not to lose hope.

I saw Sakura fall on her knees and crying and screaming over Sasuke's body. I took more deep breaths and calmed down. Ripping Sakura off Sasuke's body, I forcefully moved her a bit further away.

"Let me go! Let me go to Sasuke!", Sakura started struggling. I slapped her hard.

"Shut up! You're not the only one who cares about him! Shut up and stay there or I'll make you regret it!", I shouted as I was at the limit of my patience.

Then I walked over to Sasuke and started removing the needles slowly and delicately from his body. 'Slowly y/n. If he still has pulse and you don't remove it delicately, he might die. Stay calm and work slowly' I reminded myself.

No one around said anyone. Sakura was only watching and crying from afar. I removed a few needles and checked for his pulse. I found a faint pulse and got happy.

'Yes! Yes! Yes! He's safe! If he rests enough, he'll be back on his feet within no time' I sighed in relief and started crying again.

Seeing my reaction they thought we lost him. I warned them not to come closer and began to work again. As I finished removing all the needles, I thought I saw his fingers move but I brushed it off.

Turning around I told them to let him rest and not trouble him. That he'll be okay. Moving away and towards Naruto and the others, I saw a short man with a lot of men carrying weapons standing behind him.

(Naruto episode 19)

As it turns out the short man was Gato. He and Zabuza talked. It seems their deal was off, so Zabuza wasn't our enemy now.

Gato guy came ahead and kicked Haku with his feet. Enraged both Naruto and I went forward. I made four mud clones while running. Kakashi-sensei stopped Naruto and caught one of my clones.

I boosted my speed with chakra and appeared behind Gato guy and slashed his back. My clones threw kunai at him as I jumped away.

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