Chapter 95

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The door to Y/n’s hospital room opened with a bang, turning Y/n and Kakashi’s attention to the door as a worried looking Naruto entered.

“Y/n are you okay?! I was so worried! My heart almost stopped when I saw you wounded and bleeding!,” Naruto said, worry written all over his face.

Y/n blushed slightly feeling a little happy that Naruto was so worried about her. “I’m okay Naruto-kun,” Y/n smiled at him.

“Are you sure? Do you need anything? Just let me know!,” Naruto said.

“Okay,” Y/n’s smile widened feeling happy.

“But don’t worry too much Naruto. I’m right here,” Y/n took Naruto’s hand and squeezed it reassuring.

Naruto felt a bit better, feeling Y/n’s warmth as worry slowly started to disappear. He gently squeezed her hand back.

“Naruto! You can’t just run in the hospital!,” Sakura shouted as she entered the room, Sai trailing behind her. Startled, Naruto pulled his hand away.

“You’re not supposed to shout either,” Y/n said feeling a bit annoyed as Sakura destroyed their little moment.

Sakura felt annoyed but didn’t say anything. “Are you okay?,” Sai asked offering the flower he bought as a get well soon gift.

“I’m okay. Don’t worry,” Y/n smiled at him.

“Thank you for the flower,” Y/n chuckled finding it rather odd with Sai’s blank and emotionless tone.

“I read in a book that you give flowers to a sick friend,” Sai said.

“Freind...?,” Y/n asked.

“Are we not?,” Sai asked.

“No, we are not,” Y/n replied bluntly.

“Hmm... Here,” Y/n stared at Sai for a moment before taking a pouch and offering it’s content to him.

“Candy...?,” Sai stared at it curiously.

“Y/n you’ll let him be your friend just like that?!,” Naruto asked.

“Sure. Why not? I am interested in getting to know him more,” Y/n answered with a grin.

‘Sai is amusing and it’s entertaining to hear him bluntly say thing others hesitate to say. Though it can be annoying sometimes but still... It can be nice to get to know him so I don’t misunderstand him’ Y/n thought to herself.

“WHAT?!,” Naruto and Sakura shouted.

“Oww my ears will start bleeding. Don’t shout in my ears!,” Y/n grumbled rubbing her ears.

‘You’re interested in him?!,” Naruto asked shocked.

“Yes, I am. He is interesting. Don't you think it’s better to get to know him rather than misunderstand him?,” Y/n replied.

“So you’re interested because you don’t want to misunderstand him?,” Sakura asked.

“Yes. That’s part of the reason. But he is really interesting too,” Y/n answered.

“And you! Quit staring and take a candy already! Or just forget about it! My hand is about to break and fall off!,” Y/n glared at Sai, feeling annoyed as her hands started to ache.

“I’ll take one. Thank you,” Sai replied picking a candy.

“What’s the deal with the candies?,” Kakashi who was sitting on his bed asked.

“Hm? Oh it’s just a habit of mine since I was a kid. Now it’s become a symbol of friendship with me or something of that sort,” Y/n laughed.

“These are most popular with kids! I love them too!,” Y/n said.

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