Chapter 73

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I was the first one to arrive, but no sooner the others arrived as well. Naruto and Sakura looking irritated. Sai with his stupid smile. I sighed internally and was reminded of Land of Waves mission.

This was the first time since then that I ever felt annoyed to be going on a mission with my team. These people were making me tired just being there with them.

I masked my emotions, my face blank as I stared ahead. Captain Yamato stood in front of us, he looked at us and turned around, "Team Kakashi will now set out."

With that we set off. As we walked I saw Naruto staring at Sai. 'Now we just have to wait for them to start a fight. Ugh. Not like either of them is going to shut up' I thought.

"What is it?," Sai asked.

'Here it goes' I sighed internally while maintaining my blank mask.

"Please don't stare at me like that... I'll pound you," Sai said.

"Hey! You tick me off with everything you say!," Naruto growled, looking annoyed.

"I don't really mean it," Sai said.

"You liar!," Naruto shouted.

"I'm just trying to portray myself like that kind of character," Sai told us. I raised an eyebrow at that.

"Portray yourself...?," Sakura asked.

"Then you do mean it! You won't do at all!," Naruto shouted as he stopped walking. Sakura and I followed suit.

Sai turned and stopped as well. Captain Yamato turned and everyone looked at Naruto now. "You really tick me off!," Naruto said.

"Hey! Hey! Don't act like that... in front of your captain, Naruto. I'm sure Kakashi taught you that trust and teamwork are most important to a team. You were on the same team as the great Kakashi... What's your problem?," Captain Yamato asked.

I stepped forward, "Trust is earned, not given. Sai is new and we don't know anything about him. Plus the way he behaves which tick others off. Why don't you ask Sai to behave better instead of confronting Naruto? Isn't Sai a part of the team? Should he put in effort to act as such? Why do we of Team Kakashi accommodation his behaviour when it ticks us all off? Or do you mean to tell us that we are all wrong and only Sai is correct?"

I met Captain Yamato's gaze, daring him to tell me I am in the wrong. If Sai was a part then should he try to make sure he doesn't piss anyone off? Normally I don't get angry as easily except for when it comes to my loved ones.

"Y/n shouldn't you all try to adjust to his behaviour as well?," Captain Yamato asked.

"We will behave, if he does. If you talk to Kakashi-sensei then you'll know that I am not the one to get angry easily. But this guy really rubs me the wrong way. I am trying my best not to get angry, if that is not efforts to try to work with him then I don't know what is. I can't talk about others, but I'll just say one thing. Everyone has something that offends them, makes them angry and rubs them the wrong way. If someone purposely put oil in the fire then they shouldn't expect to not be burnt," I said, holding his gaze.

Captain Yamato sighed, looking troubled. I turned to Naruto and Sakura. "Listen you two. I want you to try to ignore anything that Sai says if it offends you. Do your best to keep your calm. Don't start a fight with him," I spoke calmly.

"Y/n! He is the one who starts a fight!," Naruto shouted.

"If he does then just ignore it. Naruto-kun you need to learn how to adjust with any team that you will be put in. When you become a Chunin or Jonin, you don't get to choose a team. You will have to work with everyone, not matter how much you dislike them. If you can't do that then you aren't qualified to be a Chunin," I told him clearly.

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