Bonus Chapter

517 30 6

Since my lovelies where waiting patiently for me here a bonus for you ❤️

This takes place some time after Y/n had thought she'll try to win Naruto's heart. Between Gaara Recue mission and Orochimaru's death.

"Hey Naruto!," Y/n called out.

"Hi Y/n," Naruto greeted back.

"Naruto let's go on a date!," Y/n said.

"Wh-What?," Naruto stuttered in surprise.

"A date. You and me," Y/n grinned.

"You see... I have someone I like. So I wanted to go on a date with him," Y/n said.

"What? You like someone? Who is it?," Naruto asked.

"That's a secret," Y/n answered with a smile on a lips as she winked.

Naruto frowned feeling a needle prick his heart but pushed it away as he didn't understand what he was feeling. "I am busy," Naruto said.

"Oh. I see... I guess I'll go on a date with someone else then. I just wanted to know how and where to go on a date with the guy I like. But I guess you can't help me...," Y/n drooped with thinking her plan failed.

"What? Why would you go with someone else? I'll go since you need help!," Naruto responded which made Y/n smile.

'Heh. I guess playing pitiful or something can get him to 'help' me huh? Well at least I have his attention so I should do anything to keep it on me and make him fall for me!' Y/n thought.

"Really? You'll really go?," Y/n asked.

"Yes. Let's go," Naruto replied.

Y/n cheered internally. "Since it's noon let's have lunch first. Where should we go?," Y/n asked.

"Ichiraku Ramen!," Naruto replied.

"Haha. Okay! I knew you'd say that!," Y/n smiled at him.

Naruto blinked as he stared at Y/n. 'Huh? Why does Y/n look different today?' Naruto thought.

Y/n pulled on Naruto's hand and brought him out of his daze. "What are you doing? Come on!," Y/n giggled as she pulled him with her.

Y/n felt happy as they had their lunch. "Where should we go next?," Naruto asked as they left.

"Desserts, of course!," Y/n said.

"Huh? You want to eat more after that?," Naruto asked.

"How rude of you! How can you ask something like that! Don't you know girls have a separate stomach for dessert? Hmph," Y/n pouted as she walked to The Tea House.

After reaching they ordered their desserts and waited. As the order was set on the table Y/n took a fork and cut a piece of cake.

"Naruto, say 'Ah~'," Y/n said as she lifted the fork towards Naruto.

Startled Naruto looked at her as she lifted the fork up, his gaze going past the fork in her hand to her lips. Her lips shined glossy as he stared at them.

"Come on say 'Ah~'," Y/n said again, bringing Naruto to his senses as he turned red.

"I-I can eat it myself!," He said, taking the fork from her. Seeing Naruto flustered made Y/n giggle.

'I guess he was embarrassed to eat it in front of other. I would be too! I just realised what I was doing! And in front if so many people too!' Y/n thought as she blushed.

They two ate desserts while chatting, trying not to think of what happened earlier. Finishing up they left for a play that was taking place.

Y/n had already planned out that they'll go on a date and had dressed herself up in a subtle manner like Hanare-san had kindly taught her.

The light powder on her face, the gloss that she never usually carry with her and the different dress that she usually don't get to wear. She even made sure to wear a locket with beautiful design to match the dress and increase her attractiveness.

After the play they walked around the village reminiscing their childhood mischiefs and finally had an early dinner before bidding farewell and returning to their homes.


Hehe. What do you think? It's short but good right? Right?? Anyways! See you next time! Take care my babies 😘 Love you ❤️ Hugs for you ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ Have an amazing day 😊

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