Chapter 76

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We left the inn and were walking when Captain Yamato asked, “So has your rapport improved?”

“Why do we have to be with this guy?,” Naruto mumbled and Captain Yamato scared him.

“Captain Yamato. If it was going to happen over night then there wouldn’t be teams or teammates who don’t wouldn’t want to co-operate with each other. Can’t really use the word improved but a little better, maybe?,” I half questioned before shrugging.

Naruto stuttered out his response, “I-It’s okay. Our rapport has improved!”

“Naruto looks like he is enjoying himself,” Sai said smiling. I gave him ‘are you blind?’ look. (Totally made that look up haha!)

“What are you talking about? That’s a fake smile any way you look at it,” Sakura said.

“Really?,” Sai asked.

“You yourself said that a smile is the best way to get through a tough situation, right?,” Sakura half questioned, half reminded him.

“Oh yeah,” Sai smiled at her and she looked annoyed. I tried to suppress my laughter. This how situation seemed amusing to me and couldn’t wait to see some fist flying.

We continued on our way quietly. “It’s about time,” we came to a sudden stop.

Captain Yamato looked around and I did the same. ‘Huh? Is something wrong? I don’t sense anything wrong though…’ I thought.

“What is it, Captain Yamato?,” Sakura asked.

Captain Yamato turned to a side and started walking into the forest, “This way.”

“Huh?,” we were confused and looked at each other.

“Hurry up!,” Captain Yamato called out and we followed along.

‘Maybe we are searching for a place to came for the night? But there is still a lot of time for it…’ I thought.

We continued to walk through the forest until the sky had turned orange. “Why are we going to the trouble of coming through here..?,” Naruto asked.

Sakura stopped at the other end of a fallen log of wood and screamed for some reason, picking up the fallen log, pushing it and running. I jumped from above and continued on with Sai at the back.

“Captain Yamato! What’s the meaning of this?! I think the path we were on was the right way. Captain!,” Sakura persisted, over taking Naruto and walking behind the Captain.

“I’m sure Lady Tsunade has told you,” Captain Yamato answered.

“What’re you talking about?,” Naruto walked closer. The conversation piqued my interest so I moved closer to listen.

“The information Sakura and Y/n got might be a trap,” Captain Yamato said.

“But what would he gain from doing that?,” I asked.

“There’s a possibility that the Akatsuki might be… waiting to ambush us at the Tenchi Bridge. They might be after you, Naruto,” Captain Yamato said, shocking us.

“But they couldn’t possibly have foreseen that we would take down their team members or we would return alive. They wouldn’t have wanted to waste time dealing with us unnecessarily,” I pointed out.

“That’s true. But we can’t rule out the possibility. You can never be too careful,” Captain Yamato said to which I nodded.

With that we continued on. “We’ll proceed along a covert route as much as possible until we reach the Tenchi Bridge,” Captain Yamato said.

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