Chapter 69

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Sango had come this morning to get Y/n. She treated her to dango as promised for losing the bet. As they sat eating and chatting, Y/n remembered something.

“Oh! Do you remember how we promised to help Yuuto in trying to woo Hinata?,” Y/n asked.

“Ah.. I had almost forgotten,” Sango replied.

“What should we do to help them? Do you have any idea?,” Sango asked.

“Hm.. Let me think,” Y/n answered.

Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Yuuto’s arrival. “Sango. Y/n. I hope you haven’t forgotten,” Yuuto asked in a serious tone.

“Huh? Forgotten what?,” Sango asked puzzled, as they turned to him.

“About tomorrow. You both have to go shopping for it. It’s your turn,” Yuuto replied.

“Yes. We remember,” Sango nodded.

“Oh!,” Y/n suddenly exclaimed and a grin stretched across her face. They others looked at her weirdly.

“What happened?,” Sango asked.

“What are you cooking up in your head this time?,” Yuuto narrowed his eyes suspiciously at her, remembering the trouble she had caused before.

“Hehe. Nothing,” Y/n smiled innocently, further making Yuuto wary.

“Can you let us alone for a bit? I need to talk to Sango about something. It’s uh… girls talk,” Y/n said.

Yuuto looked at her for a while before nodding and going to order his breakfast. Y/n quickly leaned in, “Sango I got an idea!”

“For what?,” Sango asked.

“To send them on a date! We can send Hinata and Yuuto to buy the thing! You know how long it will take. They can have a lunch date together and spend a whole day! They have a excuse for that! I’ll take over for Yuuto at the hospital in the mean time!,” Y/n answered, her eyes sparkling.

“Oh my God! That’s such an amazing idea Y/n!,” Sango grinned back at me, excited.

“What are you two grinning about?,” Yuuto called out as he took a seat.

“You see... I actually was planning to help out at the hospital and take your shift for you,” Y/n said.

“Why..?,” Yuuto asked feeling suspicious.

“Hi Y/n, Sango. Hi Yuuto,” a female voice greeted.

The group turned towards the voice and Sango and Yuuto greeted her back. “Hinata! I was just thinking about you! I’m so glad you meet here!,” Y/n grinned.

“Really? What did you need?,” Hinata asked in her usual soft tone.

“You see... I had a favour to ask of you,” Y/n replied.

“What favour?,” Hinata asked.

“The thing is me and Sango had to go shopping for things but I am helping out today at the hospital and can’t go. Sango had an emergency come up, so we were discussing about what to do about the shopping,” Y/n answered.

“Huh? What are you talking about?,” Yuuto asked, confused.

“Yes. So can we ask you to please go shopping in our stead? Please Lady Hinata?,” Sango requested.

“Um..,” Hinata was at a loss for what to say.

“You don’t need to worry! Yuuto will go with you!,” Y/n said.

“Wait. Why do I have to go with her?,” Yuuto asked panicking slightly, as he thought of spending the day alone with her.

“Do you not want to?,” Hinata asked.

“N-No! That’s not it! I want to! But I have a shift today at hospital!,” Yuuto explained, panicking.

“Don’t worry about it. I’ll take care of your shift. Leave it to me!,” Y/n grinned.

“But…,” Yuuto said.

“You have to go! You are a man so obviously, you have to carry everything. What? You expect my poor Hinata to carry everything by herself?,” Y/n asked, dramatically putting a hand on her heart.

“What? No! Of course, I would love to go. You just seemed like you were up to something,” Yuuto answered.

“Wow! Look at how much you trust me,” Y/n said dramatically.

“Well, it’s the truth,” Sango said.

Y/n pulled Yuuto aside, “Enjoy yourself. You get to spend time with Hinata. You should be grateful.”

Yuuto blushed slightly. “Well… thank you I guess,” Yuuto mumbled.

“Hinata are you free tomorrow?,” Y/n asked.

“Yes. Why do you ask?,” Hinata responded.

“You should come with us tomorrow. Yuuto will fill you in on the details as you both shop,” Y/n replied.

“Okay. I’ll let you know then,” Hinata replied.

“Off you go now. Yuuto get Hinata something nice to eat for breakfast outside,” Y/n grinned.

“N-No. That’s okay,” Hinata replied.

“Don’t worry Hinata. Yuuto would love to treat you,” Y/n said.

Seeing Hinata hesitate, Yuuto smiled sweetly, “I would love to treat you. Should we go buy something you love to eat?”

Hinata blushed, nodding. ‘Thanks Y/n! Now I’ll know what Hinata loves to eat. I hope I get to know more about her’ Yuuto thought as they left. Sango and Y/n grinned at each other and left for the hospital after finishing their dango and Yuuto's breakfast which was forgotten as he skipped happily away with Hinata.

Yuuto and Hinata had cinnamon roll along with a little dessert for Hinata. Yuuto had the list and took Hinata with him as they shopped and carried grains. As they were buying Yuuto explained to Hinata about their trio's little tradition.

Yuuto and Sango used to go visit an orphanage at a nearby village and donated food for the children. Since Y/n became close to them and found out about it, she had joined along.

Yuuto had taken Hinata to a certain market which she was surprised to find. It had many beautiful and colourful things, various foods and grains. Some of them which Hinata had never seen.

Yuuto smiled at Hinata who was looking around, “We can go keep our purchases at Sango’s place and come back here. We still have sweets to buy for the children. We need to order them for tomorrow, so they remain fresh.”

“Okay,” Hinata replied and they bought grains.

As time passed by, Yuuto realised it was lunch time. “Hinata, should we go have lunch?,” Yuuto asked, receiving a nod.

Yuuto took Hinata to eat her favourite food and red bean soup. After that they left the purchases at Sango’s place, Yuuto took Hinata back to the market.

“Hinata let’s have some desserts. We also have to taste some to confirm what to buy,” Yuuto said.

“Really?,” Hinata asked with a smile.

“Yup,” Yuuto replied.

Hinata and Yuuto visited various stalls, tasting and placing an order for sweets here and there. They were laughing and smiling as they enjoyed their time together.

Losing track of time, they realised it was already evening. “Oh. It’s time to go back,” Hinata said.

“Yes… I hope we can visit again together,” Yuuto mumbled, without realising.

Hinata blushed hearing that, “I-I would love to…”

Yuuto’s eyes widened and his cheeks heated up slightly, he was floating on cloud nine. “Would you like to have an early dinner?,” Yuuto asked, not wanting the day to end yet.

“Okay,” Hinata quickly agreed, before freezing.

‘Wait… Why did I agree so quickly..? I guess I was having a lot of fun..’ Hinata blushed slightly.

With that the two of them had dinner. “I should leave now…,” Hinata said.

“I’ll walk you home. I can’t just let you go home alone,” Yuuto said.

When they reached the Hyuga Compound, they found Sango and Y/n standing there, almost as if they were waiting for them. Both of them had sly grins on their faces.

“Ohhh. Would you look at that Sango?,” Y/n asked in a teasing tone.

“What?,” Sango questioned back in an equally teasing tone.

“They seem to being enjoying their date,” Y/n snickered.

Both of them blushed slightly. “I-It wasn’t a date!,” Yuuto shouted.

Sango laughed, “He is getting annoyed. We shouldn't talk about the date.”

“I said it wasn’t a date!,” Yuuto exclaimed.

“Of course. It definitely wasn’t a date,” Y/n continued teasing.

“Thank you for your help Hinata,” Y/n smiled at her.

“We should leave now,” Sango said.

“I should go too. Take care Hinata,” Yuuto smiled.

“Thank you for treating me… It was fun,” Hinata blushed, looking at the ground.

“Good night. See you tomorrow,” Yuuto said.

“Good night. We are meeting here, right?,” Hinata asked.

“Yes,” Yuuto replied.

“Ahem. Good night to you all,” Y/n cleared her throat, making them realise they weren’t alone.

“Y-Yeah. Good night,” Yuuto aid before quickly escaping.

Y/n and Sango began to giggle and everyone dispersed. Each having their own smiles and thoughts. Having dinner Y/n went to sleep with a smile, feeling satisfied with her word and helping Yuuto to spend time with Hinata today.

The next day, the four visited the orphanage like usual and distributed sweets. They played with the children and had a lot of fun. At the end of the day the children had already warmed up to Hinata, asking her to visit again to which Hinata agreed.


Hey my little duckling keke. How are you doing? 😁 Did you like this chapter? Did you enjoy it? I can't wait to update the next one! Ahhh... It's a long wait. But see you again! Until next time 💕
Don't forget to take care of yourself 😘 Love you my duckling keke 💕 Hugs for you ʕ⁠っ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠っ Have a great day 😊

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