To Kill the King [2]

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The night before, Gwen had managed to assure both Arwen and Merlin that she'd be alright spending the night in her own house and didn't need to continue taking up space in their chambers. Arwen still suggested that she go with her, at least, but even in the face of grief Gwen remained determined as always.

However, that didn't mean that Arwen hadn't made it her first order of business to check on her friend the next morning. She headed to the city streets as soon as she left the physician's chambers that morning, however, the plan had been derailed when Arwen's journey was interrupted by one of the castle guards intercepting her in the halls.

According to him, Arthur had requested her presence in Morgana's chambers. Both worried that something may have happened to the Ward, and knowing that this was a summons she couldn't shrink away from, unlike her other duties for the morning, Arwen had changed her course and headed to Lady Morgana's chambers instead. If the Ward wasn't hurt or sick, and had simply had another one of her nightmares, perhaps she'd want to go with Arwen to see Gwen once they were done.

Once she arrived at her destination, Arwen knocked on the door, only walking through it once she heard Morgana's voice carry from inside, allowing her to enter. Once she did so, Arwen wasn't sure which sight to be surprised by more. Gwen who was already there, back to work so soon after everything that had happened, or Morgana, who seemed to be in quite a dishevelled state.

"Arthur sent word that you need my assistance, my Lady?" Arwen questioned in a hesitant tone, because among all other things, it was clear that she'd walked in and interrupted an ongoing conversation.

Luckily for her, Morgana didn't seem too annoyed with her for it, instead offering a gentle smile as she spoke. "It would be much appreciated, Arwen. Thank you." She said before turning back to her maid, continuing the conversation from before, knowing it was one Arwen could be present for. If anything, Morgana suspected that the physician would most likely side with her on the subject. "You need to go home, Gwen. Get some rest. Please."

While Gwen tried to reassure Morgana she was fine to continue working, Arwen made her way further into the room, subtly observing the Lady for who she was there in the first place. And as she watched Morgana move around, it wasn't hard to spot the main problem which coloured her wrists.

"I insist." Morgana spoke as she looked at Gwen, momentarily glancing at Arwen who appeared by her side, silently requesting to see her wrists. Morgana complied with the request. However, while Arwen observed the bruising, Morgana returned to watching her maid who was now trying to busy herself with some measly cleaning tasks. "Gwen?"

The call of her name made Gwen take pause, but she did not turn back to Morgana or Arwen. That alone let the two women know something was wrong, sharing a worried look between themselves at the realization. Done with her assessment of Morgana's injuries, and unable to do anything about them until she properly cleaned up, Arwen released the Lady's wrists, steps taking her closer to Gwen so she could put her hand on the maid's shoulder.

"Gwen, what's wrong?" Arwen questioned, hoping to get Gwen to talk to them instead of bottling all of her feeling up. She did, after all, suspect her friend to be upset over recent events and not something else.

"I can't go home!" Gwen finally revealed, but the lack of information on background for the reason still made both Morgana and Arwen believe it was tied to Tom's death.

"It's understandable to feel so alone." Morgana tried to comfort her.

"You can always stay with us longer, as long as you need." Arwen offered, knowing that neither Merlin nor Gaius would find issue with it. And if they did, Arwen would give Gwen her own bed and be the one to sleep on the floor this time.

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