The Changeling [1]

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It was rather curious, and everyone in the castle thought the same if the whispers spreading around even amidst the frenzy of planning and preparation, were anything to go by. After all, it wasn't every day that a king and princess from the neighbouring kingdom came for what was presented as a mere friendly visit.

Either way, nobles from all over both kingdoms had been invited by the two kings, and because of that, Arwen had timed her day perfectly. She didn't want to appear as if she were waiting in the courtyard for a specific group of people to arrive. Instead, she'd ensured she would be in the area, tending to her daily duties, as they came.

And she was happy to know her plans had worked once she spotted a large group making their way through the gates of the courtyard. The familiar faces of men and knights as they dismounted their horses began to look around curiously while behind them, two carriages stopped, a handful of women coming out and joining their sides as Arwen approached.

She caught small bits of the ending conversation from the two men nearest to her as she came over. "And what do I tell her about the other part?" Whatever Edmund was whispering about with his father, Arwen knew she'd learn about sooner or later, so for now, she placed a welcoming smile on her face as she spoke up and made her presence known.

"My lords, welcome back to Camelot." The sound of her voice had the men and women turning towards her, some of the women quick to begin whispering among themselves. And while they lacked a good amount of subtlety, Arwen had plenty of experience dealing with the women of a court, even if she didn't have one of her own yet.

"Arwen, it's a pleasure to see you." Edmund greeted her with a happy smile and a small bow of his head, one which was mirrored among the people surrounding him.

"It's good to see you in fine health, my lady." Lord Warren spoke after his son, smiling down at the redhaired woman. While anxiety over being in Camelot was present whenever they ventured into Uther's territory, he was pleased to have her greeting them and surely easing some of it for many of his party.

"Please," Arwen started quickly after the man's slip, eyes turning to take each one of the faces, both familiar and unfamiliar. "While we're here, in this castle and city, it's just Arwen." She watched as they all nodded in understanding. Arwen had given her instructions just in time because it wasn't long before a voice spoke up behind them, bringing to an end any further conversation which could have been had.

"Geoffrey, it's good to see you old friend." Uther's words had many among the group sharing surprised looks between themselves, most unable to hide them even if they'd attempted to do so. Especially as the King of Camelot clasped Geoffrey's hand within his own, the big and friendly smile never leaving his face.

"We're pleased you could make the journey." Arthur said as well, greeting the group in his best princely manner before his father continued.

"Come, let us have you settled." With Uther as eager as he was, not many could find it within themselves to offen the king by refusing the offer. And so, much of the group ended up following after Lord Warren and the king as he led them all into the castle, giving out a few instruction as he passed by servants and knights along the way.

Unlike the rest, Edmund remained at Arwen's side, eyes glued to his father's retreating form and the confused look never really leaving them. Especially not as Uther seemed to bark out a laugh at something his father said.

"I told you, saving his life during Cenred's attack... It changed things." Arwen pointed out what she'd already made note of in the past. With Edmund risking his own life for the safety of the King, he'd proven the Warrens' 'loyalty' to Camelot.

"You'll forgive me for taking it with a grain of salt when it comes to that man." Edmund pointed out in a knowing tone, and Arwen simply shrugged her shoulder. Knowing Uther, it was a wise choice with how fickle his trust could be.

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