The Flower of Eidheann [2]

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As the next morning rolled around, Merlin found himself trudging through the doors of Arthur's chambers with a strained yawn. He'd spent the entire night awake, working alongside Gaius in an attempt to discover whatever poison might've been used on Arwen. As soon as they found out what it was, Gaius could find an antidote. He could save her. They had to.

"I know, I know, I'm late." He announced as he walked into the chambers, the sight of Arthur already up and moving and dressed surprising the servant, even though he didn't share it out loud.

"It's fine." Arthur said in a dismissive voice, paying Merlin's absence throughout the morning no mind as he pushed away the papers which had been spread out in front of him since the sun first appeared in the sky. Not that they served his need for a distraction in the slightest. "How is she?"

"No changes." Merlin said in a solemn voice, slumping down into one of the chairs at the table. "Gaius is looking for a solution, he'll find it. I'm sure." Merlin said, but by the tone of his voice it was clear it wasn't only Arthur that he was trying to comfort with the words.

"She's strong. She'll... she'll be alright." The prince joined his servant in holding on to hope, knowing that, right now, it was all they had. At least until Gaius found some kind of answer. "Do you have any idea who- "

Arthur's question was cut short as the sound of a knock at his door had both their eyes turning towards it as the prince called out for the person to enter. It was Leon who made his way inside, absentmindedly rattling off some updates of the training session which the knights had taken part of in the morning despite Arthur's absence from it. However, it was clear he was eager to get it over with, his eyes jumping to Merlin as soon as the information had been relayed. "How is Arwen? Any change?"

Word of the fallen physician had been quick to spread through the castle. After all, Arthur didn't care for who they passed as he carried her through the halls last night. But he did remember there were people in the halls during their worried dash to the physicians' chambers. It didn't surprise him that it took only a night for all those in the castle to be aware of Arwen's condition.

As Merlin shook his head in denial, Leon gave out a disappointed sigh. "Many of the knights are ready to help in any way we can." Leon shared what had been said among the men. Many of the knights were more than familiar with the physician often tending to their scrapes and wounds after training, and many were eager to do whatever they could to return the favour. "Whatever Gaius might need; we can get it for him."

"Thank you, Leon." Merlin muttered out. And he was grateful for the offer, even if his dejected voice didn't fully relay the gratitude he felt.

"Is there any explanation for what caused this?" The knight asked, clearly wanting some answers. He did spend much of the feast by her side, after all, he couldn't help but worry he'd missed something, some sign or trouble which he could have helped with. A way in which he could have prevented this.

"Aside from the wound on her finger, nothing." Merlin said with a shrug of his shoulders, eyes staring down at the surface of the table as he picked away at it with his nails. So focused on his distraction in an attempt to keep his emotions at bay, Merlin didn't catch the look passing over Leon's features. But Arthur did.

"What is it?" The prince asked, unable to withhold the small pitch of hope from his voice. "Do you know something?"

"She... she was given a rose, during the feast." Leon began to explain, but the confused look on his face made Arthur and Merlin wait during his pause, knowing there had to be more to it. "I did see her prick her finger on one of the thorns." And still, Leon found himself doubting what he was now sharing would be of any help.

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