Excalibur [1]

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The corridors of the Palace were abuzz, filled with all kinds of people running around trying to do all they had to in preparation for tomorrow's big day. With Arthur's name day marking his coming of age it was time for the Prince to officially take up the title of heir apparent, and all were excited beyond measure for the ceremony and celebration which were to take place tomorrow.

People had come from all over the land, some even from beyond Camelot's borders to participate in the momentous occasion and express their well wishes to Arthur. Lords, Ladies, servants, guards, cooks and many others moved through the castle all at the same time.

It brought a smile to Arwen's face as she watched it all, moving through the crowds herself. Some people preferred a peaceful and calm life which could be gained through life in small villages and further away from big cities. Arwen was the opposite. She enjoyed the bustle of life which was everpresent in Camelot. It gave her a sense of being a part of something big and important, no matter how small her duty within it may be.

Her eyes stuck to a group of unfamiliar serving girls who seemed to be gossipping about their Ladies amongst themselves. However, it would prove to be a mistake as she let herself be distracted and as a result crashed into another body once she rounded a corner. Sometimes, her good knowledge of the palace's corridors and halls seemed to work to her disadvantage.

"I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." Arwen quickly started to apologise, her grasp on her medical bag tightening to ensure nothing spilled out as she stumbled backwards. Her eyes looked up to the person to check whether she had caused any harm. The man was unfamiliar, but by his polished jacket and formal appearance it was not hard to conclude he must be one of the visiting Lords.

"It is quite alright. You are not the first, nor I suspect the last person to stumble around in this sea of people." The Lord reassured her with a kind smile making relief wash over Arwen, grateful that he did not fault her for the collision as she was sure some others would in his place. The Lord looked to Arwen, a curious gaze appearing in his brown eyes as he took her in, making the girl wonder what may be going through his mind. "Have we met before? You seem familiar?" He asked once he realized he was taking to long trying to remember such an encounter himself.

"I believe not my Lord." Arwen's brows furrowed. She doubted she had ever made the man's acquaintance, but hoped that if she had and in the meantime managed to forget of it, it wouldn't cause too much offence.

"Have you ever been to Nemeth perhaps?" He continued, sounding so convinced in his belief that they had to have met before. She was too familiar to him for it not to be true.

"I'm afraid not, I lived most of my life in Ealdor, in Essetir before coming here, my Lord." Arwen replied truthfully. She didn't remember much of her travels before coming to Ealdor, but doubted that whoever she had met at that time would be able to recognize or remember her so well today.

"Perhaps I am mistaken after all." The Lord mumbled to himself, his brow furrowing together in confusion as he ran a hand through his greying dark hair. "Well then at least tell me your name, so that in the future there is no doubt we know each other now. I myself am Lord Geoffrey Warren, pleased to make your acquaintance." He added on jokingly, making Arwen laugh as well as she smiled his way.

"Arwen, my Lord." She did not expect the shift his demeanour would undertake once she spoke, but his smile was quickly wiped off.

"Arwen...?" He asked, as if inquiring for a last name. Worried that in fact they have met before after all, and she was now being disrespectful Arwen did not hesitate in giving it.

"Ambrosius, my Lord."

"Arwen Ambrosius..." He muttered, more to himself than to anyone else, but whatever was on his mind he dismissed it as he once more smiled. "Well it was a pleasure to meet you Arwen, now I will let you return to your duties as I am sure I have kept you long enough."

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