A Remedy to Cure All Ills [2]

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They had all gathered in Lady Morgana's chambers as they waited for Edwin. With Merlin's help, the healer had gone to collect his supplies so that be could examine the King's Ward and make his own findings on her condition. It didn't sit well with Arwen. A remedy to cure all ills... 

How could such a thing exist without them having heard of it already? Such a discovery would be revered by all, both those with a passion for medicine and science as well as all people who wish not to worry over sickness and disease in their everyday lives. And Edwin would surely receive high praise for being the one to make the discovery in the first place. So why has there been no word of it before? Why hadn't he shared it with all those in need?

As all her questions continued to fill Arwen's mind, new ones rising up every so often, her eyes met Arthur's from across the room. He observed her curiously, watching as her brows furrowed as she tried to make sense of the situation. As green met blue, Arthur couldn't help but wonder whether, now that she's met Edwin, she would change the advice she had given him the night before. It was obvious Uther was losing faith in Gaius. With Edwin here, neither Arthur nor Arwen could guess how this would all turn out. 

As if sensing what was on his mind, Arwen sent the Prince a small smile, one that went unnoticed by all others in the room. She did not blame him for summoning Edwin, he was only doing what he thought would be of most help to Morgana. And despite whatever Arwen thought of the man, if he could help the Lady, that was truly what mattered most. Whether the two planned on looking away from each other any time soon would remain unknown since suddenly they were forced to do so. The door pushed open and Edwin walked inside, Merlin following after him with a heavy load in his hands. 

"Put my equipment over there." Edwin instructed Merlin as he himself came to stand before the King. Arwen looked at all the boxes Merlin set on the table. Arwen most certainly hadn't thought that one remedy would need to be carried in so many cases making her start to doubt the confidence Edwin exuded. 

"Sire, I would be grateful if you could have everyone leave the room. I require peace and privacy." Edwin now spoke to the King before he had even bothered to spare a glance in Morgana's direction. Was he truly so paranoid to reveal his methods to those around him? 

"Certainly." Uther was desperate enough that he would probably agree to whatever Edwin asked of him. And so, with a simple motion of his hand, the King demanded they clear out of the room. Arwen hesitated for a moment. Skilled healer or not, Edwin was still a stranger they knew nothing about, yet they were leaving him completely alone with Morgana.

However, she did not voice her concern and instead let Merlin grasp her hand and pull her towards the door while Gaius and Edwin struck up a conversation on whether the former could remain inside to observe and possibly learn more from Edwin's methods. 

In the end, all of them, including Gaius, now stood at the end of the steps leading up to Morgana's chambers. Uther nervously paced up and down the hall, while Arthur leaned against one of the pillars. Unlike them, Arwen moved to take a seat on one of the bottom steps, not truly caring for propriety as she tried to contain the worry from showing on her face. However, one could still see it. Merlin took a seat beside his sister.

"Don't worry. Edwin seems like he knows what he's doing, I'm sure Morgana will be well soon enough." Merlin spoke to her in a reassuring tone, but it didn't do much to soothe Arwen's nerves this time. 

There was always a chance Edwin's findings would be the same as Gaius' and her own, in which case, Arwen doubted there was anything anyone could do for her friend. But if Merlin was right, and Edwin managed to find a way to cure the Lady, she couldn't help but wonder what that would mean for Gaius, and by relation herself. 

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