Love in the time of Dragons [1]

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Arwen found herself standing in the council chamber, both she and Gaius answering an urgent summons from the king himself, Merlin close by their sides and curiously listening in himself.

"There have been disturbing rumours from outlying villages." Uther proclaimed as the two physicians stood before him, his attention divided between them and his son beside him as Arthur passed him a piece of parchment. "Someone, some kind of physician is offering treatments. I fear magic may have been used."

"What is it that makes you suspicious?" Gaius questioned curiously, knowing to tread Uther's accusations of magic carefully. To those who had no understanding of science, much of it could have seemed like magic when in reality there was a perfectly normal explanation for it.

"There are reports of miracle cures. A boy thrown from a horse, a farmhand mauled by a boar." Uther began to list off what he'd heard from the reports which were delivered to him. "All hopeless cases it seems, and yet each and every one has made a full recovery."

"It's very hard for me to comment, Sire." Gaius said, even though both he and Arwen knew that the cases which the King described were rather... unusual. "We'd have to examine the patients ourselves." Gaius added, sharing a look with Arwen, knowing she would be the one Uther sent if he demanded it so.

"That won't be necessary, as a new case has arisen here in Camelot." The king revealed to them.

"Who?" Arwen found herself asking.

"The innkeeper." It was Arthur who answered her question, hardly missing the look of surprise which spread over her features at the revelation. "He's returned to work."

"That's not possible." Gaius said firmly. "The condition was critical, I saw him only days ago. Arwen herself came to the same diagnosis as I." Gaius defended their work, knowing that in this instance, not even a miracle could have been of help to the man.

"So you agree that magic must be involved?" Uther took Gaius' words to have very specific meaning, making the older physician realize it would have perhaps been better to keep his reactions to himself for the time being.

"Well, I couldn't say for sure." He tried to remedy the damage. After all, such accusations were harsh, and couldn't be made without concrete proof. Not when the livelihood of an innocent person could be at stake.

"Then go to the tavern and find out." Uther barked out the order impatiently. "If sorcery is at work here, we must act quickly."

"Yes, Sire." Gaius agreed quickly. "We'll see to it right away." With a parting bow, all three of them made their way out of the council chambers and through the castle, knowing that this was of the utmost importance and couldn't be put off 'till a later time.

"It's unbelievable." Merlin grumbled out quietly as soon as they found themselves out of the vicinity of the castle and moving through the streets of the lower town instead. "Uther has no problem turning to magic if his family are threatened."

"Keep your voice down, Merlin." Gaius scolded the boy in a whisper, knowing how dangerous such words could be if the wrong person overheard them. And Arwen couldn't help but agree, sending her brother a pointed look.

But none of it was enough to get Merlin to relent. "Oh, he is such a hypocrite."

"He's also the King." Gaius warned as they found themselves pausing at the door of the inn. "So, if you value your head, use it." With those as his last words, and unwilling to hear more on the matter, Gaius pushed the door of the establishment open and made his way inside.

"You don't agree with this, do you?" Merlin asked, making his sister pause to give him a somewhat confused look. "Whoever cured these people, they're using magic for good? How is it right to persecute them for it?"

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