Sweet Dreams [1]

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For the entire morning, the castle courtyard had been a flurry and frenzy of new faces and royal parties that had all journeyed to Camelot for the peace talks which were about to take place. All five kings of the surrounding kingdoms, all together in one place. There were many thoughts to be had about such an occasion: some spoke of how momentous it all was. Others worried about the trouble which may arise during their stay.

Arwen, who'd spent her morning alongside Gaius, introducing herself to all the incoming parties and offering her services should anyone need it, couldn't deny that the entire thing left her somewhat sour. Every once in a while, she couldn't stop her thoughts form reminding her that, were things different, she'd be among them. She'd have a seat at the table to discuss and negotiate what was best for her own kingdom. But she did her best to push it down.

Even when she watched the kings who certainly didn't seem worthy of their titles. Eyes focused on King Alined as he spat and scolded his servant, she couldn't hold back a small frown from her face. She knew some masters certainly didn't think much or show kindness to their servants and staff, but seeing it never failed to make Arwen's opinion of them lower.

"You may want to introduce yourself to that party on your own." Gaius' voice beside her had Arwen's eyes snapping away from the ruler of Deorham and towards her mentor only to find him focused on something else.

Eyes looking in the same direction, it wasn't long before Arwen realized what Gaius had meant by that. Among the group of about seven men, she spotted a familiar face. A man who she'd been thinking of contacting and trying to find a way. Sending Gaius a thankful nod, she didn't spare a moment longer before beginning to make her way over to the men and their horses.

"Lord Warren, I wasn't aware you'd be present for the peace talks." She spoke up once she was close enough, a smile on her face as the man in question turned to look at her. And it wasn't long before he too was smiling in welcome.

"Arwen, it's good to see you again." He said in a happy voice, but while he spoke, Arwen didn't miss the way in which the men surrounding him shifted at his words. The best she could describe it was almost as if it was recognition she could see passing through their eyes and faces as they shared looks between themselves. "Uther likes to invite me to such important events."

Lord Warren's words had the redhead looking back to him, understanding the meaning behind the tone in which he'd said them. Knowing who he was now, that he'd served on Prairene's council and as right hand to her father, Arwen knew what he was trying to convey. Uther used him to send a message to all the kings now gathered together, Lord Warren serving as a reminder of what he'd done to a kingdom no one thought he could defeat before.

However, instead of commenting on that, knowing now was not the time nor place, Arwen simply moved on. "And these are your men I assume?" She asked, eyes looking over the unfamiliar faces surrounding them.

"Some of the best warriors in the lands." Lord Warren announced, the pride in his voice rather evident as he continued on. "Many have been fighting by my side for over two decades now."

Arwen could easily connect the dots of that statement as well. If they'd been fighting together for such a long time that would mean some of them, those who were older and not the ones who seemed to be around her own age, had once been loyal to Prairene and her family. "It is beautiful to inspire such loyalty." She said.

It was becoming rather clear, the longer their conversation went on, that while their words conveyed one message, there was an entirely different conversation going on behind them. "It is easy when we fight for the same causes." Their veiled messages continued, neither going deeper into the topic as not to reveal their intentions or meanings.

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