The Changeling [3]

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"Any lurkers in the woods we should be aware of, my lady?" While she had her reservations about the man, Lord Montague's question still had Arwen letting out a small laugh of amusement as she shook her head in response.

"Not this time, my lord." She announced. "My brother has other duties occupying his time tonight." She said simply, not willing to go into too much detail as to what those duties might be.

"I can confirm that." The sound of Sir Cole's voice had Arwen turning around to watch as he stepped out from the woods, coming from the same direction as she had only minutes before. It wasn't hard to conclude that, just like the last time, they'd sent someone to ensure she wasn't followed.

"Good, good, then we can get to the topics at hand." Cole's father, Lord Willmont, said in a pleased tone, clearly eager to get to business. "I myself have a rather... Large concern."

His words were enough to get all of Arwen's focus to turn on him. "What is it?"

"Well, perhaps I misspoke." The man nervously began to correct himself. "It is large or rather the thing causing concern is large not the conern itself. Although the conern might become large. Even though it isn't yet."

"Lord Willmont," Calling out his name again, Arwen put a stop to the overexplaining. "What is the concern itself?"

It was Cole who got to sharing the main point instead of his father. "It would appear that the dragon has decided to make the forest near our family lands its new home." He shared openly.

"Is he causing trouble?" Arwen asked in an attempt to understand the situation as best as possible. If he was, then she suspectes she could easily ask Merlin to get him to stop whatever he was doing.

"Not really, he's actually quite peaceful. It's just... after everything..." Lord Willmont shared in an uncertain tone, Arwen beginning to realize why this concern was being brought to her in the first place.

"Kilgharrah is welcome to Prairene at any time. I was the one who told him it is where he should go." She reassured the lords. "And since the Pendragons are under the impression that he is dead and his kind wiped from existence, perhaps the best place for him is where neither king nor prince would dare step foot."

"Good idea." Edmund muttered out his agreement with a small nod. It was quite fortunate that she'd come up with it considering none of the rest of them considered the detail of where exactly to hide a supposedly dead dragon.

"I'm full of them." She said in a joking tone, making him chuckle in amusement while she turned to address his father next. "Lord Warren, I was hoping to hear how your meeting with Lord Godwyn went?"

"Well, my lady." The lord announced with a pleased look on his face. "He assures me that independed of what may happen between Camelot and Gwant, he intends to support your claim to the throne once it is made public."

"Good, I'm glad to hear it."

"Maybe we should put conditions." Lord Montague piped up, eyes turning to him as silence allowed him to elaborate what he meant by that. "This marriage between the Pendragon and the princess isn't good after all."

"I do agree to a certain extend." Lord Grafham spoke next, nodding his head although somewhat thoughtfully, clearly having his own opinions on the matter. One Arwen was willing to listen to for now. "Marriage is a union of kingdoms your grace. Should Camelot not accept your offers of peace, the Pendragons will have not only their own armies but also Gwant's at their disposal."

"Lord Godwyn's assured us nothing like that will happen." Lord Warren relayed what he'd discussed with the other king. "By having Elena at Arthur's side she will even help ensure a smooth transition."

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