The Fires of Prairene [3]

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The sounds of the horses' hooves hitting against the stone echoed all around them, the only sound to be heard aside from the occasional bursts of thunder from above, as Arwen and Gwaine made their way through the courtyard. They hadn't had a hard time finding the stables where they could store their horses, not far from the entrance to the castle itself.

A castle that even abandoned displayed all its glory on the outside alone. Vast and large, its glass windows shone with each flash of lightning. Arwen couldn't tear her eyes away from it. So far, she'd only seen drawings in books. Words trying to describe it. But none did it justice in her opinion. The castle of Prairene was a sight to behold. Even after all the years it had spent abandoned. None which showed in its exterior.

"Worried it might be haunted?" Gwaine's voice had Arwen's eyes finally snapping away from the large castle in front of them. "I promise, I'll keep you safe." Even when sick, the symptoms of which seemed to worsen slightly as time passed, but not nearly as bad as Arwen had worried they would, he continued to be his flirtatious self.

"No, I, uh..." She was unsure of what to say, mind still too focused on the situation she now found herself in. Thankfully, a booming clap of thunder managed to break her out of it long enough to come up with a coherent sentence. "Come on, we should head inside."

With a nod of his head, Gwaine turned quiet as he pulled out his sword once they made their way to the closed doors. They were tall, and by the looks, heavy, but before the theory could even be tested out, instead of having to take hold and pull them open, the doors sprung open all on their own. Gwaine jumped back in surprise, but Arwen remained in her spot, looking on into the dark hall in front of them.

"Keep me safe if it's haunted, will you?" Gwaine's question managed to evoke a small laugh from Arwen, but she said nothing. Instead, she took in one final breath before finally stepping over the threshold, her companion not far behind as she took the first steps into the halls of the castle.

And the space, which was once dark, lit up, bright flames sparking in the candles adorning the lanterns above. Lamps mounted on the wall began to burn just as vividly. And it continued to spread, further and further like an outgoing wave. Light danced against the white stone walls; reflections cast upon the marble adorning the floors. And not a single shadow among them as all of the light turned ablaze.

"Maybe the stables are a better option." Gwaine muttered out in a hesitant voice as he stepped back outside, glancing around to find it wasn't only the candles within the hall which had lit. Light spilled form the windows of the castle, shining bright against the rolling clouds.

"Worry not." A voice suddenly echoed through the halls, making both Arwen and Gwaine jump in surprise as they turned back to the hall, only now catching sight of a figure approaching them. "There is no need for your sword. Nor your fear."

"Forgive me if I'm not the trusting kind." Gwaine retorted with a shrug of his shoulders, sword not lowering as he kept his focus on the stranger. She was an older woman, dressed in blue silks. Despite their hesitance, despite their lack of manners, she continued to smile.

"You're right. The castle isn't too kind to trespassers." Her airy voice came out softly, sounding as far from a threat as one could. "So perhaps it is a good thing it has welcomed you."

"I don't think it's the castle making the decisions." Gwaine pointed out with a raised eyebrow, eyes turning to Arwen questioningly as she remained entirely quiet throughout all of this.

"Let's not look a gift horse in the mouth." The redhead announced, making the man standing at her side send her an incredulous look. But she ignored him, speaking to the woman who greeted them instead. "We're simply here looking for shelter from the storm. Once it has passed we do not intend to linger."

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