Beauty and the Beast [2]

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Arwen couldn't stop it. Despite Merlin's glare. Gaius somehow managed it, even if he did have an amused smile painted across his own face. But Arwen... She simply couldn't stop herself from bursting out laughing once Merlin's story finished. And it was the part that included Arthur that had her wheezing in an attempt to catch her breath.

"Arthur just thinks I'm a pervert. You know I'm not!" The boy exclaimed in an exasperated tone, but his words only made Arwen's laughter increase. "Can we please get back to what's important here? Like the Lady Catrina being a troll?" He questioned, reminding his sister that the main part of his story wasn't Arthur catching him spying on the woman by hanging a mirror out the window of his chambers.

"Oh, yes, yes. Sorry." Arwen nodded her head, trying to turn completely serious again. And yet a few more giggles escaped her no matter how hard she tried to keep them in. The sound prompted Gaius to be the first to speak up.

"What you saw is seldom seen, Merlin." The older physician shared. "Trolls despise all other living things, especially humans. They prefer to lurk in the darkness of their nests, feasting on rotten filth."

"And Jonas? Is he a troll too?" Merlin asked curiously. While that morning he'd been somewhat hesitant to believe he'd actually seen a tail hidden beneath the coats of Lady Catrina's servant, after what he saw tonight... it wasn't that hard to believe anymore.

"Do trolls have tails?" Arwen asked. Her curiosity had her rising to her feet and moving towards some of the shelves, her eyes now scanning the spines and titles of the books in hopes of finding something that could provide them more information on the creature they were dealing with.

"Who can tell what manner of creature he is." Gaius shook his head, believing it best not to make such assumptions before they were sure. It could result in damaging consequences if they misjudged the man.

"It makes no sense. If trolls like to lurk in their caves so much, what's this one doing in Camelot?" Merlin asked. If they wanted to stop her plan, they had to actually figure out what it was.

"Trolls are greedy. Lady Catrina's like the rest of her kind; she lusts after wealth and power." Gaius explained what he knew of the creatures. And it was those words that made Arwen stop sifting through the shelves and look back towards the two men.

"And what's the best way to get some? Or better said, who?" She questioned in a pointed tone, realization dawning on her face as she connected the dots.

"Uther." Merlin breathed out as he came to the same conclusion. Just earlier in the day he'd been commenting on how odd it was that the bond between the king and Lady Catrina seemed so instant and quick.

"We've reached the point of no return." Gaius quickly rose from his seat as he spoke. "Uther has to be told." The announcement had Merlin and Arwen sharing somewhat hesitant looks between themselves before both looked back to Gaius again.

"You're going to tell Uther that his lady friend's a troll?" The highly dubious tone in which Merlin asked the question made his stance on it quite clear. He was more than capable of imagining the possible catastrophe that conversation might turn out to be.

"That's exactly what I'm going to do." Gaius announced confidently, already heading for the door.

"Good luck." Merlin puffed out with a shake of his head. And it was that that made Gaius pause a moment, his hand on the door as he realized what he was about to do.

"Thank you, Merlin." He finally said, pulling the door open before he had a chance to second guess his decision or back out of it. Uther needed to be made aware. Even if he didn't believe it or didn't react well.

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