The Sins of the Father [2]

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With a free afternoon on her hands the next day, Arwen found herself walking through the halls of the palace, with one specific location in mind. She was eager to avoid the council chambers, from which the angered yelling of their king could be heard along the corridors. It was safe to say that Uther was greatly displeased once he'd found out about his son's disappearance.

And if his yelling demands weren't enough of a clue, then the dejected look of Camelot's knights as they walked out of their meeting with the King certainly would have been. "Still no sign of Arthur, huh?" Arwen asked as she came to a stop in the halls, Sir Leon standing in front of her as he gave a small shake of his head. "You'll find him, I'm sure." She tried to console him.

"No chance Merlin told you where they were going, is there?" He asked her with a sheepish smile, the tone making Arwen let out a small laugh before she shook her head in denial.

"I'm afraid not." She said in a remorseful tone. The longer Arthur and her brother were gone, the more Arwen's worries over Morgause's intentions continued to grow. None of them could be sure what it was that the woman wanted with the Prince, but it was unsettling to know he'd gone to meet her so blindly. "From what I understand, they themselves didn't know where they were going."

"Didn't know? That must mean Morgause had left some kind of clue as to which path they should follow." Arwen could already see the thoughtful look spreading over the knight's face as he started to think of their search from a new perspective.

"Hopefully you manage to find it." The redhead gave out a small laugh. "Good luck, Leon." It wasn't long before the knight was off, following in the direction which others had left in and leaving Arwen to continue on her own journey. One which led her to the Lady Morgana's chambers.

Walking into the Lady's chambers once her knock received a response, Arwen found Morgana happily moving around the room, only coming to a stop when her eyes landed on her. "Arwen, I didn't know you'd be coming. Gaius has already been by to deliver my draught."

"Oh, I'm not here as a physician." Arwen shook her hand quickly. "I simply had an afternoon off and thought you might like some company. But if you're busy-"

"Nonsense! I'm always up for your company." Morgana interrupted her friend before she could even finish the thought, grabbing onto her hand and leading her over to sit together on her bed. "Especially as we haven't had much chance to talk since your little..."

"Adventure?" Arwen filled in as Morgana's voice trailed off unsure of how to title the excursion Arwen had had, but still both women knew what she was referring to. While she'd told both Merlin and Gaius all about her time in the palace of Prairene, having that conversation with Morgana was slightly harder.

"You must tell me everything." The excited smile on Morgana's face was hard to resist, but still, Arwen's eyes glanced around the room as if making sure no one was hiding behind the curtains or could overhear them. "Gwen's gone to the kitchens to do some washing; we have time."

"I don't even know where to begin. All the books, all the writings about the magic and how it looks, it's all true." Arwen began to tell the story, a small smile coming over her own face as she thought back to the castle. "And at the same time, so wrong. None of it truly does it justice. It's so beautiful."

"Did you get to explore? Did you see anything? Get any ideas?" Morgana's string of questions seemed to be never-ending. And Arwen certainly didn't mind it, wanting to share every detail she could with her friend.

"I did a little. But before all that, I actually met someone there." Arwen began to tell the story, Morgana's face taking on a look of complete surprise. According to all the stories and what everyone knew, the castle had been entirely abandoned all these years. "Apparently, Alfred the Great and his line are bound to the castle. Tasked with watching over it and keeping it's magic alive. One of his descendants, Ayana, is still there."

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