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Omniscient Pov-10 yrs ago

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Omniscient Pov
-10 yrs ago

Love wasn't enough to save a broken home at least not them.. Three terrified girls sat on the couch screaming to the top of their lungs afraid of the dark. In the hallway on the left was the master bedroom where keisha stood over the dresser snorting line after line. After a certain amount of snorts she began to come in and out of hallucinations.

"Mamas coming girls mamas coming" Keisha kept repeating to herself to get rid of the guilt that built up in her chest as she continued to snort. She heard the girls screaming for her  so in order to drown them out she cut on the CD player and cut it up really loud.

Faith evans "soon as I get home " blasted through out the house. All three girls built up the courage to follow the music since the house was jet black. With tears running down their face they made it to their parents room only to twist the nob and find it locked.

They banged on the door as they continued to cry. Keisha sat with her back against the door with crack decorating the bottom of her nose. "Stop stop please don't hurt my babies" she responded to the banging on her door not knowing it was her children. " open up mommy" said Honesty the oldest out of the three children.

Hakeem on the other hand was out handling business not knowing about the scene going on back home. All he knew was that rent was due tomorrow so he was out hustling until he had the amount he needed plus more. He seen he had five miscalls from his neighbor Mr:Leroy but he decided not to answer.

Honesty got tired of banging on the door so she grabbed her sisters hand and led them through the dark. She led them into their room finally cutting on some lights so they could see. They all huddled up on one bed getting under the covers. "Daddy's coming don't worry" she told her little sisters hoping they'll stop crying.

Three hours later

Keisha laid on her bed staring at the ceiling while the lines of crack sat on the nightstand and a bag of pills sat in the palm of her hand. Her mind was gone plus she had this numb feeling that she couldn't get rid of. She heard the front door open and close and she wanted so badly to move before Hakeem walked in the room but she couldn't due to her highness at least not fast enough.

Soon as Hakeem walked through the door and cut the lights on his girls ran out to him. "Hey babies " he said to them as he engulfed them in a hug noticing the back of Harleigh clothes we're wet. "Why yo clothes wet Leigh " when he looked at them and seen how puffy their eyes were he jumped into daddy mode.

"We are scared daddy mommy left us in the dark she won't open the room door" he led the girls to their room and told them to stay there and close the door. He walked further to his room pulling out his key to unlock his room door.

When he walked in he stood there trying to process the scene in front of him. He couldn't believe his eyes well he could he just didn't want to.

"YOU WENT IN MY PRODUCTS HUH" Hakeem said as soon as he noticed the lines and the pills. "What's wrong witchu GIRL" he stared at her noticing how far gone she was.

"KEISHA if you can hear me blank your eyes" he roughed her up pinning her to the wall causing her to blank her eyes as tears fell from the corner "I'm sorry Baby I'm sorry"

"GET UP AND GET THE **** OUT MY **** NOW" he threw her back on the bed at that moment all he seen was red he couldn't believe it was true all along.

"WELL FORGET YOU TOO I TRIED HAKEEM to be the perfect girl for you I CAN'T DO IT ANYMORE what about me ?" Keisha got out the bed stumbling.


he yelled at her in her face causing her to pick up the lamp off the nightstand and swing it across his head. After that everything went in slow motion. The girls ran in the room seeing their daddy on the floor with his head covered in blood. "DADDY DADDY DADDY" they all screamed.

Keisha watched her girls hover over their father she got out the corner grabbing the house phone dialing 9-1–1. "LOOK at what you did to daddy I HATE you" honesty said to her before keisha dropped the phone and ran out the house.

"Hello is anyone there" honesty heard the person on the phone so she picked it up " My daddy head is bleeding please help us" she spoke in the phone.

"You okay daddy " she asked him " daddy gone be okay tell them to hurry"

"Can you hurry there's so much blood on his head" honesty spoke with tears coming down her face.

"Stay on the phone baby help is coming stay calm tell daddy put some pressure on his head"

Honor the second oldest grabbed the towel off the bed applying it to their fathers head. "You got it dad" Hakeem took the towel and pressed it onto his head.

Minutes later they finally heard the ambulance sirens " do daddy a favor honor get those pills and hide em for me and dust that salt off the dresser MAKE SURE TO WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER"

Hakeem walked out to the living room feeling light headed but he knew they couldn't come into their bedroom with drugs in plain sights. Honesty and harleigh followed behind their daddy while honor stayed behind doing as told.

"Are you okay sir can you tell me your name "

"Hakeem Safari Carter ma'am the back of my head is busted"

"Would you like to press charges"

"No just get me fixed up so I can make it back home to my girls"

"HAKEEM !!! HAKEEM baby are you okay" Ms : Anita Hakeem's mother rushed in " I'm okay ma just get the girls and take em to your house"

"I told you so-" Hakeem stopped his mother "Girls ma discussion later"

That night was the night Hakeem gained a hatred heart for the love of his life and the girls gained one as well for their mother especially honesty.

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