Ńumero Veintidòs

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Honesty, Honor, Harleigh

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Honesty, Honor, Harleigh

One week later

"So all you know is honesty huh? Youn know me ?" Harleigh grabbed kayari from off honesty lap which caused her to cry.

Not a normal cry the type of cry kids cry when it sounds as if your hurting them but your not.

"Man leave ha alone ion feel like hearing no crying today that's some y'all don't have to deal with " honesty said in a snappish tone.

Kayari reached out to honesty so she grabbed her making her cries immediately come to a halt.

"Well she's our sister too what she gone do when you have to leave or some you can't take her everywhere so she needs to get use to us"

"Well ion know what to tell you Leigh all I have to say is take one day at a time with her it's clear she got attachment issues "

"She don't want us but wanna take all our food I bet she want a chicken nugget later " honor said then stuck her tongue out at kayari.

This past week  kayari has been so attached to honesty. It's to the point where kayari had to sit in the bathroom with her while she washed up.

Occasionally she would go to Hakeem or even Anita but at the end of the day she only wanted honesty. Honor took her to see Keisha but that's only because honesty went...that was the only way kayari didn't cry.

Of course honor had a good time visiting her mom but honesty on the other hand couldn't find a peaceful bone in her body sitting in front of the lady.

When Leigh found out about her mom situation she was somewhat happy but her loyalty towards honesty was so deep she made herself not happy.

She felt like her accepting her mom back with open arms would mean she would lose honesty because that's exactly what honesty did to honor.

Honesty didn't mean to disown honor; she didn't even notice how she was treating honor that's the messed up part about it. Honor was hurt but she didn't speak on it and neither did honesty.

They were hurt in two different ways and if you were mature enough you could see valid points in both of their reasonings.

Honesty being the observant person she is picked up on Leigh body language when their mom was the topic of discussion but she decided to let Leigh come to her about it.

She would never tell her sisters to stay away from something they probably yearned for most of their lives but she wouldn't support them. In her eyes the feelings she had toward her mom were personal she didn't need them behind her.

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