Ch.1 The Move

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My name is Mia and I'm 15 years old.

Long legs, curly brown hair, and my style?

Well you can say it's tomboyish yet girly.

It will be my first day of my sophomore year in 3 days.

Sadly my dad got a new job and we have to move.

You see I live in a small town in Northern California called live oak, but due to my dads new job we are forced to move to the big city of Los Angeles.

As I packed my things my mom enters the room and notices my sad face.

"Que pasa mija?" What's wrong she asked.

"I'm really going to miss all my friends especially paco..."I reply.

Paco was the boy I had a crush on since the 7th grade.

We have flirted before but that was it nothing else has happened.

" Ay mija that boy never actually liked you he was just using you." she said.

"I know mama I just can't get over him" I sighed.

She rolled her eyes at me as she walked out of the room.

The next day we put all our stuff in the moving van.

My best friends Veronica and Claudia came over to my house to say our last goodbyes.

"I can't believe you are moving." Veronica said.

"I know and I'm going to miss you girls so much!"

"Mia" I heard my mom call me as she came out of our empty home.

"Yes?" I asked.

"It's time to go so say your last goodbyes to Veronica and Claudia." She replied.

" bye girls I hope we see each other soon." I said as I hugged them.

"We will try to visit you as soon as we can." The both replied.

I nodded and headed towards our car.

My tio Marcos was going to drive the moving truck for us so my mom wouldn't have to drive on the freeway.

20 minutes passed and I was already tired so I decided to put in my headphones and listen to some of Beyonce's new music.

after about 2 hours on the road I felt my stomach ache so I asked my parents if we could stop for some food.

We stopped at a nearby Burger King and lasted about half an hour there.

As we headed to the car I felt more tired as ever.

Well it was already 5:21 p.m and we still need about 2 and a half more hours to drive.

So I fell asleep through the rest of the way.

I woke up to my 8 year old brother shaking me on my shoulder.

"what?" I asked.

"dad said we are almost there!" He said with a big smile on his face.

My little brother David is actually excited about the move.

5 minutes after and I could see the city lights.

Los Angeles was really big.

The only time I have ever seen it was through the t.v.

This is my first time coming to Los Angeles even if it's hard to believe.

"What part of Los Angeles are we actually moving to?" I asked my parents.

They looked at me and laughed, then my dad replied "well we are now going to live in East Los Angeles."

I was shocked and scared because I always saw in movies that it's was a dangerous part of Los Angeles.

" papa but Isn't that part dangerous?" I asked.

"Some parts not all."

We got off of the freeway and headed towards our new home.

We turned on S Duncan Ave and stopped in front of a house.

The house had a big front yard.

The color was simply a light shade of brown like most houses on that street.

We entered the house to see it through the inside.

It was a 3 bedroom, 1 bathroom home.

Nice and simple.

"How do you like it Mia?" Asked my uncle Marcos.

"Well it's something different from our old home, but we can get use to it."

"I thought maybe you can have the room with the view facing the sky scrapers." Said my dad.

I smiled and said " thank you papa!" As I ran to check out the view followed in by my dad.

"Now you can unpack and enjoy your view to the city mija." He said with a big smile.

I observed every inch trying to get use to my new room.

It was spacious and was right next to the bathroom which I liked.

I looked out of the window and said " wow how beautiful do the city lights look."

I finished unpacking and felt really tired.

I put on my pajamas, crawled into bed and called it a night.

Of course it was 11:17 already.

I woke up the next morning to spongebob squarepants on the t.v and the sound of David laughing.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 7:30.

"David always up early!" I groaned.

Today is Sunday and my last day of summer vacation.

I am a little anxious about tomorrow.

I have to meet new people and make new friends.

"Hey kids, good morning. I want you two to go and get ready. Me and your mother are taking you to see the city."

"This will give us a chance to show you kids your new school." My mom said.

"Yay!" Shouted David with excitement.

"Fine" I replied.

I ate a blueberry muffin with some milk and then walked into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

After I put on a grey hoodie with some black leggings and my black and white converse.

I put on eyeliner and mascara and put my hair in a bun.

It was 10:00 when we all got in the car.

First my dad decided to show me my new school.

It was a really big campus.

Seeing the size of my new school made me even more anxious.

"Que piensas?" What do you think my dad asked.

"Well it's bigger than my other school. I just hope I don't get lost." I replied.

After we took David to see his new school.

"Wow it's really nice and bigger than my old school!"

"That's because more kids come to this school dummy." I teased.

We went shopping to various stores and we're tired by 6:00.

We decided to head back home and get ready for school.

I got everything ready for tomorrow and set my alarm to 6:00 a.m and as I did that I thought to myself how life at my new school will be like.

Will moving here be a good thing?

Will I have a lot of new friends?

All that thinking got me even more tired so I rested my head on my pillow and went to sleep.

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