Ch.11 A Mother Indeed

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I was taking an afternoon nap when my phone rang, it was Lupe.

"Hello?" I said in a sleepy voice.

"Hey the homegirls and I are gonna go to the music store you want to come?" She said.

"Sure." I replied.

"Okay I'll be there in 10 minutes." She said.

I got up and re-did my my makeup.

Lupe came by and picked me up and we went to the music store.

We were looking through when Lupe called me.

"Yooo homegirl this song reminds me of you!" She said as she held up Miss lady pinks album The Agony and The Ex-tacy.

Lupe pointed to song call dedicated to the ladies.

"What's it about Lupe?" I asked.

"You've never heard of it before?" She asked.

I shakes my head and her jaw dropped.

"I've never listened to Chicano rap." I said.

All the homegirls gasped.

"We need to buy her the best Chicano rap album ASAP!" Said dreamer.

They got me four albums of Chicano rap.

I went home and listened to most of the music and i can tell it all came from the heart.

I fell asleep and woke up to screaming and someone pushing me.

"Get up!!! Get up!!! The apartment is on fire!!!"

I opened my eyes and saw Jesus standing there he picked me up and ran outside.

" what's going???" I asked.

"The apartment got caught on fire!" He explained.

We got outside and found everyone who lived in the apartments and all we could hear were the fire fighters heading our way.

Luckily there were no harmful damages to the apartment but we all had to live somewhere else for a week.

My brother Jesus got us a hotel room for a week.

Jesus hasn't been near his gang because of us but he does go sometimes and of course he does a little work for them and that's how he gets most of his money.

Jesus also works half time after school at el centro meat market.

When we got to the hotel room I felt so tired but I guess that's how a 7 week old pregnant lady should feel like.

I do feel a little nauseous but it will be worth it soon.

I layed down on the bed and David sat next to me.

"Do you miss dad?" He asked.

"A little but I haven't seen him or talked to him since that day..." I replied.

" I saw dad with another woman the other day." He said in a sad time.

Did he just say what I think he said?

" what do you mean you saw dad with another woman??" I asked.

"Yeah one day I was curious to see dad and I walked by our house and I saw dad outside with a woman." He explained.

"And what happened next??" I asked.

"I hid behind a car and I saw dad kiss the woman and walk her to her car." He said.

"Wow I can't believe." I began but then it all came back to me, dad would always get a call from someone and he would walk out of the room.

"Dad cheated on mom!!!" I said.

"How do you know if dad cheated on your mom?" Asked Jesus as he crossed his arms.

I finally filled Jesus in on the whole situation.

"I can't believe I thought he was a good father but he did all this to us!" Yelled Jesus.

I couldn't believe it dad cheating?

I laid back down and closed my eyes and I finally fell asleep.

I had a dream that I had my baby and Jose got out of jail.

It was a good dream, we were actually a family!

To bad that won't happen soon but we seemed so happy, I just wish the dream was real.

Today when I got to school I saw Andres and he came up to me.

"Well I see your growing a baby bump now." He said.

"Yeah." I replied.

I wasn't really interested in talking to him especially about my pregnancy because I know he likes me.

"So what are you going to do with creeper in jail?" He asked.

My eyes got a little watery since I miss Jose so much!

"I don't know but that's our business and I don't have to tell you anything about it." I replied.

"Oh so did you hear that me and flirt are finally a couple?" He said in a very sad tone as he looked down.

"No I didn't hear well congrats... She was always obsessed with you." I said.

"Yeah I know well I was wondering if you think we make a cute couple?" He said.

"Yeah you do Andres but you know flirt doesn't like me so stay away fr..." I began but was cut off from someone behind us and of course it had to be her.

"Wtf do you think you're doing with my vato you pregnant bitch!!!" Said flirt as she walked closer to us.

"Flirt save your breath because Andres came to tell me you two were dating!" I shouted.

"Good thing he knows how to back away from the hoes!" She said as she smirked.

"You know what bitch if I wasn't pregnant I would have..."

"You would have what? Pull my hair? Everyone knows that the only reason you broke my noes was because you pulled my hair and then socked me!" She said as her, payasa, and babydoll laughed.

Payasa and babydoll stopped hanging out with us because they took flirt's side.

I was about to swing but Lupe and dreamer got me.

"Stupid bitch don't you know she's fucken pregnant!!! She can't fucken fight!!" Said Lupe as she got in flirts face.

"Get the fuck out of my face smiley!" Shouted flirt.

"The fuck now I'm smiley? Last time I heard you were calling me bitch!!!" She shouted.

Now dreamer got Lupe and held her back.

Andres went and pulled flirt somewhere else to calm her down.

"You okay homegirl?" Asked dreamer.

"Yeah thank you to both of you! Especially you Lupe." I replied.

"Your welcome now come on let's get our asses to class." Replied Lupe.

Damn if it wasn't for them then I don't know what would happen!

I rubbed my baby bump and thought of the baby inside of me, a harmless little thing that depends on his or her mother.

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