Ch.2 Homies?

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When I woke up I put a black sleeve crop top, high waisted denim shorts, tied a blue flannel around my waist and put on my black and white converse.

I curled my hair (even though I have naturally curly hair).

I then did my winged eyeliner, put on some mascara and lipgloss.

I walked into the kitchen and found David eating his cereal already.

I poured myself a bowl of lucky charms and sat down to eat.

5 minutes later and I look at the time on my phone.

I then got up in a hurry because it was 7:20.

"I have to leave if I'm going to walk to school!"

"Let me drive you to school mija." Said my dad.

"No it's okay I have to get use to walking if I'm going to do it everyday." I replied.

I gave both my parents a tight hug and got my backpack and walked out.

My school isn't that far away from home so I'm able to walk to it.

When I got to school I saw the school sign saying "Garfield High School".

I walked into the office and saw a middle age lady with long blond hair and blue eyes.

I walked up to her and said " hello my name is Mia Sanchez and I'm new here."

"Hello Mia I am Mrs. Clark and welcome to Garfield high school. Let me just get you your schedule. You can take a seat while you wait if you like."

"Thank you mrs. Clark" I said as I sat down.

"Here is your schedule, but you will have to wait for one of the students, she has the same exact schedule as you and can show you around."

"Okay then" I said with a shy smile.

7 minuets later and I see a girl walk in.

She looks like about the same height as me, black teased hair, hoop earrings, and her clothes look like the clothes of a chola.

She could be a chola I thought but she seemed too nice to be one.

"Hey mrs. Clark you needed me for something?"

"Yes I did lupe, this here is Mia Sanchez. She is a new student here and she has the same exact schedule as you. Would you please help her around?"

Lupe smiled at me and said "hi Mia my name is Guadalupe Chavez but you can call me lupe."

" hi lupe" I replied.

"Come on let's get to class. We have English class first." Lupe said.

I followed lupe through the hallways .

"Mr. Cruz this is Mia Sanchez. She is our new student."

"Hello Mia I am Mr. cruz your English teacher. Please take a seat in any of the empty desk."

I sat in an open seat next to lupe.

After 3rd period we had break.

Me and Lupe walked to our lockers.

" you should totally meet the homegirls!"

"Homegirls?" I replied

"yea homegirls."

"I thought homegirls was a word used for cholas?" I said.

"Yes I'm a chola and so are the homegirls. We are all in a gang the sureños. My nickname is smiley" said lupe laughing.

"Your joking?" I asked.

"No I thought you could tell by my style." She said as she bursted out laughing.

"Come on let's take you to meet the homegirls."

We go outside and go near a table filled with 6 girls dressed like Lupe.

"Wassup homitas this right here is Mia Sanchez and she just moved here from northern califas."

"Otra farmera" another farmer said a girl who was about my height, muggish face expression, long brown hair.

"Don't listen to her she is just so judgmental. My name is Susana but you can call me Dreamer and mrs. Perfect over there is Martha aka flirt."

"And this is Jenny aka sleepy, Nancy aka babydoll, Lilliana aka loca, and Melissa aka payasa." Said lupe.

"Look there's the homeboys." Said babydoll.

We all turn and see a group of cholos walking towards us.

All the girls go running towards them with excitement.

"Yooo foos I thought the policia got you guys last night!" Said loca.

"Tell us what happened! Give us details!" Said lupe.

A tall thin cholo said "Nah it's a long story to tell. We will tell you homegirls another time."

They all are talking and reminiscing of back in the day when that same cholo saw me in the background and said " who's that hyna over there?"

"Her name is Mia and she just moved here from up north" said dreamer.

I see all the cholos look at me from top to bottom.

They all look like hardcore gangsters.

Out of the group of cholos I notice one in particular.

There was something special about this cholo and of course he was the cutest one In the group.

He saw me looking at him and we locked eyes.

He smiled but I looked away right away.

The first guy that noticed me came up to me and introduced himself.

His name was Anthony but they called him spooky.

After spooky introduced himself to me the group of cholos walked over to another table.

Lupe whispered in my ear "somebody likes you!"

I quickly turn to find that same cholo staring at me.

" I don't think so." I told lupe laughing.

Just then then bell rang and right when I turned around to head to class I felt someone grab me tight from the hand.

"Ouch" I said as I turned to see who it was.

It was flirt.

But why did she look mad?

"Listen farmera I saw the way you were looking at my vato so don't even think about it! Chino is mine!" She said angrily.

"I wasn't looking at anyone! I was simply trying to memorize they guys you girls talk to!"

"Well memorize this bitch! Chino is mine and no one else!"

"Alright I get it I don't want anyone's vato!" I said almost dying of embarrassment as I ran off.

Lupe and the other girls all looked at her with a mad expression.

Then Lupe went after me.

"Don't listen to her she thinks she is still with chino , but no he doesn't want her."

"I don't even know who chino is?" I replied.

"Chino is the guy that was looking at you. His real name is Andres Ramirez and I think he has a thing for you!" She said with excitement.

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