Ch.13 A Day To Never Forget.

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It's been a month since Jose finally got out of jail and so far we've been baby stuff shopping.

We bought our little Adrian tons of stuff!

A crib, blankets, bottles, clothes, diapers and a lot more.

"Hey homegirl!" Shouted Lupe as she ran towards me.

"Hey!" I said back.

"How's my little godson!" She said rubbing my stomach.

Oh yeah we decided that Lupe and my brother Jesus should be the godparents.

"He's been kicking since 5 in the morning!" I said sounding crazy.

"Damn I think he's going to be a fighter!" She said with a laugh.

"Wassup homegirls!" Said dreamer as she walked our way.

"Hey" we said.

"So did you hear the news about flirt?" Asked dreamer.

"No we haven't." I said.

"She pregnant with chino's child." She said rolling her eyes.

I don't know why I felt my heart stop a little when she said flirt was pregnant with andres' baby.

"Are you serious??" Said Lupe in shock.

"Yeah she may be my cousin but she's dumb! I know for a fact that she got pregnant on purpose to keep chino for herself." Said dreamer.

Dreamer and flirt are cousins but they don't get along because dreamer thinks flirt needs to grow up.

"Why are you so quiet Mia?" Asked dreamer.

I shrugged my shoulders and said "the baby has been kicking and I'm really tired."

"Like I said my godson is a fighter." Said Lupe as she punched the air.

"So are you ready for your baby shower on Saturday?" Asked dreamer.

"Yes!" I shouted with excitement.

We decided to go with just everything blue for my little Adrian.

"Alright you better be! Can't wait to see you open my gift!" Said Lupe rubbing my tummy.

"Hello little Adrian this is your godmother! I love you so much!!" Said Lupe.

"Here talk to my baby because he really needs to know who the hoodrats are." Said flirt with a smirk.

"Flirt fuck off! No one gives a shit that your pregnant. It about time your hoe ass gets pregnant!!" Shouted dreamer.

"Like that? I can't believe my own blood is my enemy." She said trying sound sorry for herself.

"Bitch you know damn well I never liked you!" Shouted dreamer.

Flirt yawned and said" yeah well I have to go. My man is here."

She walked passed me and winked.

She got up to Andres and held his hand. I don't know why seeing them together made me feel some kid of way as if I was jealous.

I couldn't be jealous though I'm pregnant with Jose's baby.

On Saturday morning I woke up extra early to start getting ready for my baby shower. Since we have a space outside of the apartment I was able to use that.

"Here sis let me help you with that." Said Jesus as he helped with the streamers and balloons.

"Let me go inside and help my mom with the food really quick." I said as I walked away. Right when k walked into the apartment I could smell all the delicious Mexican food she's making. It's no party without food especially Mexican food.

"Mama do you need help with anything?" I asked.

"Yes mija can you please walk to the market that's down the block and get me a couple of things." She asked.

I walk to the market and there's a liquor store next to it. What a surprise Andres just walked out of the liquor market.

"Hey Mia." Said Andres with a smile. The cutest smile I've seen well after Jose's smile of course.

"Hey." I said back.

"I thought I heard your baby shower was today." He said.

"Yeah it is but I'm just walking to the market to get some stuff for some stuff. So congratulations!" I replied.

"Congratulations on what?"he asked surprised." On having a baby with flirt." I said.

Right after I said that he looked down and said" I don't think the baby is mine." "What why?" I asked.

"Because we never had unsafe sex." He said."if the baby isn't yours, then who's the fa..."I immediately felt pain in my stomach. I grabbed my stomach and let out a scream.

"Mia are you okay??" Asked Andres as he got closer to me.

"No my stomach hurts!!" I replied. Andres grabbed me and said "let me take you to the hospital! My car is right there!"

"No no it's okay I'm fi.... Okay then it's hurting more!!" I said. Andres opened the door to his car and helped me in.

He drove straight to the hospital and when we got there he told me to wait in the car and ran into the ER.

He came out with nurses running behind him and one even had a wheelchair for me. They all helped me out of the car and we rushed in.

Andres stayed in the waiting room. "Okay let's see what we have with you and the baby." Said the doctor.

"Has the baby moved at all today?" He asked.

"No he hasn't." I replied.

"Does the baby usually move a lot?" He asked again.

"Umm yes." I replied.

"Alright let me take a look really quick and see what the problem is." He said.

Andres' POV

When I was talking to Mia outside of the liquor store she felt pain in her stomach I brought her to the hospital.

Now I'm trying to call her brother Jesus but he Won't answer his phone. I saw s doctor walk into the waiting room and asked " family of Mia Sanchez."

"Yes" I stood up but his face says it all.

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