Ch.30 Oh Andres...

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The next day my dad told me everything that went on between him and Jesus' mom yesterday. I guess he found her at one of her homegirls house. He told me he always had a feeling she faked her death. But anyways he got there and told her to get their son out of jail.

I don't really know her but if she's letting her own son do time in the pen for her then that's just wrong. She should be punished not Jesus! Just as I was about to take a quick shower, my phone vibrated.

-Lupe : Hey homegirl, how you doing?
-Mia : Hey What's up I'm doing pretty good and you?
-Lupe: Doing just as well bitch haha! Well dreamer and I are gonna go to a kickback at spookys and he told me to tell you since he don't got your number.

A flashback came through my head from the first time I was at a kickback. Yeah didn't feel like going.

-Mia: alright thanks.
-Lupe: What are you gonna wear?
-Mia: Nah homegirl I ain't going.
-Lupe: Oh hell no you are bitch and that's final! Be ready by 8 because dreamer and I are picking you up!
-Mia: ugh fine bitch but only because you give me no choice!
-Lupe: Love you boo 😘😉💘
-Mia: Love you too boo boo 😘

It was barley 10 am and I already cleaned the house and did my homework yesterday. I literally had nothing to do! What can a girl do on a Sunday? I laid on my bed that was still in my old room at my dads house. I decided to go on Facebook and what do you know... More friend requests from some homies. Well I guess. I was scrolling down when I noticed Andres' status. He said last night was one of the best nights of his life.

Andres' status actually got me happy and made me think about giving him a chance. I saw someone commented on it so me being a chismosa I checked. The comment was a by a girl named Jessica Ramos. She wrote "What! Did my cousin have her baby yet?!" Yeah that comment got to me.

I really do like andres but I don't want to take him away from his family. Trust me if my baby Adrian survived then I wouldn't have wanted anyone to come between Jose and I. But that was way before I knew who Jose really was.

I shook my head to all the past thoughts. Thinking of my baby just gives me bad memories. I just want to kill Jose for not being there for me. What kind of man leaves the woman he loved right after she loses her baby. Or well I thought he loved me...

"Mia dad wants to talk to you!" Said David as he stood by the door.

I nodded and got up from my bed.

"Mija I talked to your mom just now and she wanted to let us know that she is moving in with Carl and well we both agreed that you pick who you live with." My dad said.

It was a hard decision... I love both my parents even tho we had our differences. I looked at my dads big brown eyes and I could tell he hasn't slept good. It made me think that he is alone. He needs someone with him. I think I picked the right person to live with.

" I want to stay here with you dad." I said.

My dad smiled at the sound of that. "I'll let your mother know" he happily responded.

I got up and went to my room. I fell asleep for an hour until my phone vibrated once again. I thought it was the girls but instead it was a text from a random number.

"Just like your precious little Myra, say goodbye to carlos."

Omg they have carlos! I tried calling that number so many times but nobody answered. "Dad!!!" I yelled as I ran to him. "Whats wrong mija?" he asked. He was in the living room talking with andres. I didn't even realize he was here. Both of them looked concerned. "Th-They have Carlos also!!!" I finally let out. tears were rolling down my face. who knows what they could do to carlos. "Who is Carlos?" my dad asked confused.

"Wait is Carlos the little boy I saw you with at the store that one day? asked Andres. I nodded my head. "Carlos is little neighbor boy that lives in the apartments by mom." I told my dad.

"Well who has him?" Asked my dad. "Creeper and his gang!" I showed them the text and I explained to them how I tried calling and no one answered.

"Why does that fucker keep messing with you!? Didn't he leave you!?" Yelled Andres. I nodded and sighed. "I just don't know what to do! Carlos has a special place in my heart and I don't even know where he's at!" I cried.

"Don't worry mija we'll get him and diablos daughter back!" My dad assured me as he pulled me into a hug.

The rest of the day passed and I called Lupe and told her everything that happened. I didn't go to the kickback but I wasn't in the mood either so I was okay with not going. After everything, the weird phone calls and texts, my dad decided to keep an eye on me so he made Andres stay with me after he went out to do some business.

David decided to live with my mom and I understand he still needs mom with him and so he's at mom's apartment.

So that just leaves Andres and I home alone. "Why do you care so much about Carlos? Like don't get me wrong it's sad that he was taken. But I mean like before all this I could still see it..." he said to me.

"See what?" I asked. "Like your so close to him people would probably mistake you for his mother sometimes." He said.

He's right people would mistake me.

"Ummm I think I got attached from him ever since I lost my son." I said and I lowered my head.

Andres gently pulled my chin up as kissed me.

"Andres!" I yelled.

"What?" He replied in confusion.

"I don't think we should be doing this." I said. "Why not?" He asked. "Well because you're going to be a father Andres!" I yelled.

"Just because I'm going to be a father doesn't mean I have to be with the mother! I've told you that before and I've also told you I love you! I've loved you ever since I first saw you Mia!" He said.

" Andres please no! Don't say that! You love flirt not me!" I replied in tears. "No! You know exactly who I love and you know it's you!"he said. He leaned over and kissed me once again. But this time this kiss was so powerful.

"Now Mia will you be my girlfriend?" He asked me. I couldn't believe it!!! Andres was asking me out! I felt a ton of emotions! I-I just couldn't believe it!

"Yes Andres I will be your girlfriend!" I said as we pulled each other into a hug.


Mia and Andres are finally together! Will they last? How will flirt react? And what will happen to Carlos?
Sorry for the long wait! I decided it's better to go ahead in my writing and just update the finished chapters once a week. So I will be updating every Friday!

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