Ch.5 change

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~~~~~~~Author's Note~~~~~~~~~~~
The picture above is Mia and her new chola look.

It has been two weeks since me and Jose started dating but we decided to keep our relationship a secret for a while.

"Mia come and help me with dinner." Shouted my mom from the kitchen.

"Thank you for helping me mija."

"No problem mama."

"Aren't you going to tell her what we talked about Esmeralda?"

My mom doesn't like it when they use her full name, she usually likes it when people just call her Esme, so I knew something was up.

"Talk to me about what?" I asked in shocked.

Have they found out about my secret relationship with Jose without me knowing?

"Take seat Mia." My mom said pointing towards an empty chair in front of my dad.

"Well we seemed to notice you changing since we've moved here." Said my dad in a shyish tone as he looked down.

"Changed? In what way?" I asked in confusion.

"Mija your kind of dressing like a chola and started sounding like them too. We are worried about you!" My mom explained.

"But why? I mean that's how most people dress here and I just want to fit in."

"You're our only daughter and we don't want you to get in a gang, doing drugs, or getting pregnant!" Said my dad with an intense look.

"Don't worry guys it's just a look that's it. My new friends suggested I should start dressing this way and I thought it was a good idea." I replied.

"When will we meet your friends?" My mom asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and said "I don't know they are always busy."

I felt my phone vibrate and look down at it and smiled, it was Jose.

"Hey beautiful can't wait to see you soon."

I kept looking down smiling at my phone like an idiot.

"Mia are you smiling about a guy?"my mom asked.

"Huh? Oh no it was just something funny Lupe sent me" I said.

"Oh ok" my mom replied.

I figured why should I keep Jose a secret, he is my boyfriend already and my parents should know I have my first boyfriend already.

"Actually mom and dad I was smiling about a guy but not just any guy" I began and looked at my parents serious faces "my boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend? We want to meet him okay!" Said my dad and mom at the same time.

"Okay I'll let my boyfriend know." I replied.

"So what is his name. Where does he live? Is he nice? How old is he?" Asked my mom trying to be nosey.

I rolled my eyes and sighed "his name is Jose Guzman, he actually lives on this street but two blocks away, he is really nice and he is 16 years old."

"He sounds nice." Said my mother as she smiled at me.

"Bring him over to meet us tomorrow and we will have a bbq for him since it's Saturday." Said my dad.

"Okay I think he can come for a little while after work."

"Where does he work?" Asked my mom.

" He works in his dad's restaurant." I said nervously.

I did not want to tell my parents Jose was actually a gangster, they would never let me see, talk, or date him ever again.

My life with a choloTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon