Of Allies and Trust II

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Jaredeth walked up the path to the cottage and ducked under the pots hanging from the rafters. He knocked and shuffling came from the other side.

"One moment." A woman opened the door, her dark hair bundled atop her head. "I wasn't expecting you..." Her words trailed off as she gazed at Jaredeth, then at Quintus, who stood over his shoulder. She looked just about ready to slam the door in their faces, but Jaredeth put his hand on it to stop her.

"Esmarae, wait, it's me." He pulled his mask down and lifted his cloak.

"What the..." She looked left and right as though she expected someone to jump out from the shadows, then grabbed him by the collar and yanked him inside.

Quintus followed with no assistance needed and dropped his cross at the door before kicking it close. "Nice place." He settled in one of the wooden rocking chairs near the hearth.

Esmarae only spared him a glance before turning back to Jaredeth. "It's really you... Where did you come from? I thought..." And she pulled him into a hug. "I don't know how you're here, but I've never been happier to see you."

Jaredeth returned her hug. "Sorry for making you worry." He held her at arm's length. "I'll explain everything once I'm settled, I promise. Where's Edmar?"

"He's out back. I'll go get him. There's tea and cookies in the kitchen. Help yourselves." And with that, she disappeared through a door in the back of the room.

Jaredeth slipped into the kitchen and immediately sighed at the scent of fruity tea and butter cookies. He had been here many times before, back when his parents annoyed him, or he wanted to escape his classes. This place had a far better atmosphere than the constant buzz of the castle. Nice, quaint, the kind of place he would've loved to settle down in had he not had a mountain of responsibility dumped onto his shoulders.

He grabbed the tray of tea and cookies and glided back into the living room to find Quintus fiddling with the nicknacks on the mantle. He picked up a figure of a dog whittled from a dark brown piece of wood, frowned at it, and set it down.

"Tea?" Jaredeth set the tray on the low wooden table and poured out two cups.

Quintus grabbed two cookies and a cup before settling back into the rocking chair. "This friend of yours. Are you sure he's trustworthy?"

"He is. We've known each other our whole lives and our families were quite close." Jaredeth took a cookie for himself.

Crashes sounded from the room opposite them, and the door flew open, bouncing off the wall. Edmar stood in the doorway, sweat sticking tendrils of his curly hair to his tan face. His eyes fell on Quintus—who gave him a little wave—then drifted to Jaredeth.

"It's good to see you, Edmar," Jaredeth said, and rose to greet his cousin. He expected a clap on the shoulder, not a bear hug. Edgar squished him in his massive arms to the point where Jaredeth struggled to draw breath.

"You goddamn idiot," Edgar said. "Had us all worried sick."

Jaredeth gave his cousin a few quick pats on the back, hoping he'd let him go. He tried to speak, but only a squeaking gasp escaped his lips.

"Dear, you're crushing him," Esmarae said.

"Apologies." Edgar released him and he sucked in a greedy gulp of air. "I thought I'd be attending your funeral in a few week's time." He dumped himself in one of the rocking chairs. "What happened? Last we heard, the Valkyrie was found in pieces on the coast of Tandridge."

"Yes, quite a bit has happened since then and... there's a lot we need to discuss. All you need to know is that my disappearance was no accident." Jaredeth took his seat while his cousins digested that shocking revelation.

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