Old Friends

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Genevieve leaned against the port rail of the Legoria and watched Tandridge come into view. It had been over a year since she'd visited the Terrace City with her late husband. This would be her first time alone. She even neglected to bring a guard detail and only informed Havers and Edgar she'd be out of town.

Ever since her husband died and her son almost died, she'd felt on edge. The Divine City's betrayal confirmed something that had been lingering in the back of her mind. Something she'd neglected to tell her son because she was afraid of how he'd react.

He had enough on his shoulders, governing Avaly in such a pivotal moment in its history. On top of ensuring the country doesn't implode in the wake of so much scandal and turmoil. The bone dragon had left them in limbo, no protection from and in contention with the Divine City. She worried for their future.

A horn blared, signalling the arrival of the ship, and Genevieve went below deck to retrieve her bags. She'd packed light and only planned to stay for one night. If the person whose house she was popping into unannounced would have her.

As she stepped down the gangplank, the warm ocean breeze shook the loose tendrils of her hair. Tandridge, the plateau city loomed over the port, divided into terraces that climbed up the side of the mountain like steps. At its peak sat the Tanjula fortress. A fortified castle built for war instead of opulence.

She remembered exploring the market while her husband engaged in talks with the Queen. He'd cut off his right hand before he allowed a radical like her at the negotiation table. Though she much preferred soaking in the warmth of the city over sitting in a stuffy room with even stuffier diplomats. And in that short time, she'd grown fond of Tandridge.

"Hey!" A young girl waved at her from down the dock. "You need a ride up the mountain?"

"Yes, please." Another reason she loved this place. Everyone was so friendly. The girl ushered her to a wagon drawn by two horses with a canopy over the back. She scooted in with three other people.

The girl was content to ride outside, clinging to the rods holding up the canopy. "How far up are you headed, stranger?"

"Second plateau."

The ride up the mountain was bumpy, but nothing compared to what it would've been to climb. One couldn't be unfit and live in Tandridge. Gods knew her old bones couldn't handle the trek all the way up to the central district. Yet when she looked out the window, she spotted locals—some older than her—climbing up steps wide enough to allow two elephants to ascend side by side.

"This is your stop," the girl announced.

Genevieve gathered her bags. "Thank you for the ride."

"No worries, stranger. Enjoy your stay."

The central district was just as Genevieve remembered it. Shops and homes interspersed with trees. The steps leading to the upper plateau when the buildings were taller and the homes more extravagant. The fresh mountain air and the long-horned goats that rested on the high outcroppings of rocks.

She'd thought of retiring here, once her husband's reign ended, but that plan had gone up in flames with his death and the events that followed. Jaredeth needed her. Jaliah needed her. And Avaly needed her too.

At the corner of the central district sat a quaint little two story shop. The windows on its upper floors were darkened and shielded by curtains, but those on the lower floor held instruments on their sills. Genevieve pushed through the shop door and a bell rang over her head.

"One moment!" called a familiar voice from the back of the shop.

She set her bags down and relieved herself of her scarf and coat. A large harp took up most of the floor. There were gaps between the strings where some were missing. On the walls hung all manner of string instruments, from lutes to violins, a lot more than she remembered from her last visit.

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