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Jaredeth slipped the last fat, gold ring on his thumb and twisted it until it sat correctly. Today would be the longest day of his reign. Today, he'd take his throne back. Today all of Avaly would know of the quiet coup that had occurred in this country, and today they'd learn of the calamity at their front door. Today, he'd rise to the occasion and carve his own legacy into the annals of Avelian history.

Today he was King.

He shrugged on the coat Havers had brought for him. The heavy velvet hugged his body like a dream, and the rich, red colour complimented his skin and brought out the blue undertones in his eyes.

"Nice coat," Quintus commented from his seat on the couch.

Jaredeth blushed as he remembered the things they'd done to each other on it. Things that would never leave this room if he had anything to say about it. "I can have one tailored for you in black if you'd like."

"Oh, I'd very much like." He rose and stretched before picking up his crucifix from the corner by the door. How Havers managed to get it all the way here was a mystery. "Are you sure you want me to come with you? This is a big deal, and I can't be held responsible if I say something stupid and ruin the moment."

Jaredeth nodded. "I'm sure. I, uh, I wouldn't be here without you, Quintus." He opened the last box Havers had brought for him and a golden crown shimmered from inside. Not his, but his grandfathers. It would be impossible to get his without causing a ruckus, but Jaredeth needed to wear something. So when he stepped into the council chamber, everyone would know who was the rightful ruler of Avaly.

Quintus made a face. "Well, alright."

"We should go now. The Council meeting should be starting shortly, and we need to get there before they sentence that poor boy to death. Not that way," he said when Quintus headed for the door. "Come stand here with me, please."


"I'm showing you this because I uh..." Because I like you, damn it. I like you a lot, more than I should, and I don't want you to leave. Jaredeth bit his tongue before those words could get out. "Because I trust you."

"Oh, thank the gods," Quintus said, putting his hand to his chest. "I thought you were about to confess your undying love to me. Don't scare me like that."

Jaredeth laughed nervously and hid his blush. "Why would I say something so silly?" He twisted the hawk statue, holding his hand rigid so Quintus wouldn't see it shake. The gears whirred beneath their feet and the floor sunk in to reveal the seventh passage. He took the torch and matches from the wall.

"Secret tunnel?" Quintus started down first and trailed his hands along the smooth wall. "I'm guessing peasants like me aren't supposed to know about this."

Jaredeth waited for the passage to seal shut before he lit the torch. "We call it the seventh passage. It links a lot of the bottom floor together—my office, the Council chamber, the kitchen, the north garden and so on."

"I see. Well, lead the way, your Majesty." Quintus paused and gestured to the way ahead, and they walked in silence for the long stretch between his office and the chamber.

Jaredeth thought long and hard about what he'd say once he stepped before his soon to be former Council. But no words seemed right. He hoped his presence alone would be enough.

As soon as they banked the turn to take them under the Council, noise drifted from inside. Jaredeth took a breath and twisted the hawk's head. Butterflies erupted in his stomach, but he ignored them. This was the most important moment in his reign; he needed to approach it with conviction.

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