Bonus 2: A Boat For Three

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This chapter takes place 3 weeks after the Epilogue.

"Your majesty." Havers inclined his head as he fell into step with Jaredeth. "Your appointment with the Avaly Aristocracy has been postponed until later this afternoon. Apparently, something came up."

Jaredeth suppressed a groan as he banked the corner to head to his office. That was the third meeting this week that had to be postponed or cancelled. It seemed he was the only one who had respect for people's time. At least it freed up a few hours for him. He could spend some time with Jaliah.

"Very well," he said. "How are preparations going for the special event?"

"Quite smoothly," Havers replied. "A little too smoothly. I expect the ballroom to catch fire to restore balance. By the way, your mother said she'll be making a short trip to Tandridge tomorrow, but should be back in time."

Tandridge? Jaredeth frowned. "Did she say why?"

Havers shook his head. "Afraid not, your majesty. Perhaps she just wants some time away. It has been a tough few months."

He couldn't argue there. His father's death. His coronation. His disappearance. Treason. Executions, netherborne, pandemonium. Even he had yet to reconcile with it all. Didn't have time to. Avaly wouldn't run itself while he sorted out his trauma.

Jaredeth stopped in front of his office. "Could you tell Rynn to bring Jaliah down to the gardens?"

"Right away, your majesty."

He took a breath before stepping into his office. There was mail on the desk waiting for him that he promptly decided to ignore. He was here for his coat and nothing more. No work. Just peace. At least for a few hours.


Jaredeth almost jumped out of his skin. Quintus lay stretched out on the couch, one foot up on the armrest, while the other was planted on the floor. He held a book in one hand and rum in the other. Though the bottle was new, with the wax seal still in pace. Good, because if Quintus was drinking this early in the day, they'd need to have a serious talk.

"Gods, you scared ten years off of my life," Jaredeth said, putting one hand over his fluttering heart. "Were you in here this whole time?"

Quintus sat up and stretched until his bones made sickening pops. "A little while. I couldn't find you, so I figured I'd just wait here. Are you busy now?"

"No, not until later. Why?" He pulled his coat from the back of his chair.

"I figured we could go on the lake for a bit." Quintus held up the bottle of rum. "Have a little fun."

Jaredeth considered the offer. A few hours on the lake with Quintus sounded grand, but he'd already made other arrangements. "Alright, but on one condition." Quintus quirked a brow. "Jaliah comes with us. That means none of this." He took the bottle of rum and tucked it behind his back.

"Fine." Quintus put his hands up and stood. "The little one can come."

"I... are you sure?" He was expecting an emphatic no. Quintus always seemed where Jaliah was concerned. Then again, he seemed disinterested in anything that wasn't booze or sex.

"Sure, why not?" Quintus answered with a shrug. "If I'm going to be here for the foreseeable future, and if we're gonna be doing..." he gestured vaguely at the space between them "...whatever this is, I suppose I should get to know her."

Jaredeth nodded and tried not to smile too hard. If he wanted to get to know Jaliah, that had to be a good thing, right? Hopefully she'd be on her best behaviour today. "Alright then. Uh, we should head out. We're burning daylight."

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