Do You Want More...

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...Quintus and Jaredeth?

There is one plot line that I left unresolved. Avaly isn't a haven city yet. And Octavia did warn Jaredeth that the road to get there would not be easy. I wasn''t sure if that was something y'all wanted to see though. Plus there's some bonus content floating around out there.

But, the problem is, after "the end" my books tends to die (i.e. no one reads and comments anymore). So, I'm less inclined to continue, because it's just screaming into a void at that point. If you want more content, I'm gonna need to see some love.  

If you weren't leaving votes, go leave one or two votes. That's the only way I know if people are actually enjoying the story. Come back next week and maybe there will be some cute Quintus and Jaredeth content waiting for you.

In the mean time, I've been planning my NaNoWriMo project. It's going to be a paranormal romance set in a fictional town that being overrun by demons.  The main character is a Doctor/Bloodletter who's been possessed by a fallen angel. 

If any of that sounds interesting to you, I'll be posting it as I write it. Which is something I don't lke doing but we'll se how it goes. The first part will go up on November 1. Here's the Work In Progress cover:

 Here's the Work In Progress cover:

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Last thing. I just wanted to thank everyone who's been reading and voting and commenting. I do read all the comments, even if I don't respond to all. This has been my best performing story in long, long, LONG time. It's rough out here in these Wattpad streets. I appreciate each and every one of you for making it worth it. I may have to work on some dedications in the future.

That's all for now. Much obliged.


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