Episode - 21

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Short Chapter!

"Where is he?"

"It's Dev, Papa... He is sleeping now." Karan said to his angry papa.

Rajiv took deep breaths and his face softened after seeing Dev. Sitting beside Dev, he started to caress his son's soft and long hair gently.

"Will he be upset after waking up?"

"Yes Papa... but don't worry we are with him nah... I will make him understand ."

Rajiv sighed, still worried , "Okay ... Take care of everything Baba.... (In tears) Adi had five nightmares in his sleep till now. Why always him?"

Rajiv gently - I am going to take care of some territory work. It will take two to three weeks. (In his serious tone) I hope you will take care of these three, Karan.

Karan - I will Papa...

Rajiv - And also in two weeks, their vacation is going to end so, I think you should prepare Adi for his new school.

Karan nodded with a soft smile. His baby will be going to school. He still remembers the first day of his Bub's school. He wished everything to be more pleasant after this.

On the first day of his school, Adi is more excited to meet new people. Before entering the school, he prayed 'Everyone should accept me please.'

Karan hugged Adi close to his heart, "Peter will always be outside, Bub. Call him if anything is wrong or if you need anything.", he caressed Adi's small head before leaving a soft kiss on his top.

Adi pouts - Dada..

Karan (concerned) - What happened, Bub?

Adi with his misted big eyes- Why is Dev bhaiyu also avoiding me like Aru?? I thought at least he would come to send me to high school.

Karan sighed sadly. Only he knows how much Dev cried, not being able to face Adi again after that midnight incident.

Dev doesn't want to reveal anything about Amith nor console his baby after hitting him with his own hand.

Dev is blaming himself for everything. No one is able to console that poor soul. They let it go thinking it will fade away with time as Dev can never take a long time in meeting Adi, his little brother.

"Bub! Your bhaiyu is studying at the same institute but in the other buildings, which are for college students. He is a little upset over himself for hurting you in anger. He will come and talk with you soon, then you two can come here together. (pouting) I want my Bubba's sweet smile before I leave from here.."

Karan told everything gently not to upset his brother more as after that incident, Adi started to notice every small thing around him not wanting to upset anyone anymore as already he is facing two distant brothers.

Adi (smiling) - Don't worry Dada, I'm not any coward to get scared by my dear Bhaiyu. He slapped me because I'm also wrong. He got scared so, I would never take that as a minus in my bhaiyu who treats me too good all the day. (with confidence) I will disturb bhaiyu until he hugs me, cuddles me and kisses me murmuring 'I love you Adi Bacha.. My Ice Baby'

His little imitation made Karan crack a soft proud smile. His baby is so understanding to everyone. They are so blessed and happy to have this sunshine in their dark world.

Inside the school

Peter is following Adi like his reflection. He dropped Adi in front of his classroom and then stuck with him to the canteen and other places as well.

Adi never complained about anything, as he is enjoying the attention his Peter is giving him.

This is the love that he missed for years. No matter how other students look at him as a weird or soft baby among all the badass creatures, he doesn't care anymore.

He will befriend someone who wants to become his friend the way he is.

Peter very well knows that all the students are aware of Adi being the King's Kid as Aru is a rockstar and the scariest teen of the highschool.

Adi is somewhat smaller and more fragile compared to Aru but still, their face is the same to understand that they are brothers.

Peter looked at Adi who looked a little sad.

"What happened, Little Master?"

Adi sighed sadly - Karan bhaiyu told me that Aru and Dev bhaiyu are studying in this school. This is my lunchtime Peter but no one came to see me or atleast check on me. My two brothers are making me feel like, 'I'm not worthy of their care' (smiling sadly) I know I'm not present in their life for many years in the past, maybe that's why they are not interested in bonding with a person like me who is so weak and looking fragile comparing to my age.

Peter nods negatively but Adi with tears filled eyes and a soft smile, "Maybe Peter.. Maybe, I'm not sure...still, in some corner of my heart, I can feel my brothers care for me but are hiding. I will wait for the day when they will love me openly .....One day (chuckling) Maybe..." His tears are spilling from his big eyes, which are getting wiped away by Peter's big hand.

Peter showing his full teeth - I will be with you people.

He stroked Adi's head softly.

Adi smiled widely - I know. (pulling Peter's cheeks) You will always be there for me.

He laughs gawking at Peter who is wiping his cheeks where Adi squeezed him earlier.

Dev who listened to their conversation standing behind the wall had a troubled face after hearing all the unbearable words.

Dev (In mind) - I'm sorry. I love you. You are worthy of all our love, Sweetheart. In the past, you went away from us but not from our hearts. I want to hug you, kiss you and cuddle you bacha but I'm afraid baby that I may hurt you someday. I am afraid that I may harm you, My Ice Baby..", brushing his tears, he left the place before he could get noticed by Adi.

After bidding bye to Peter, Adi joined his last self-defense class.

"Good Morning Class... I'm your Self-defense Instructor, Jasmine.___"

The teacher pardons herself before attending the disturbing phone call.

"Hey, Tiny Head..." A dangerous boy in the class who settled behind Adi, thumps his head .

Adi peeked back with a small scowl - Excuse me, Mister. I'm not any tiny head. My name is Adi.

The bad boy grinning evilly mumbled 'Interesting' to himself saying, "Whatever Tiny Head. Do you know who I am ?"

Adi faked a smile to the stubborn fellow in front of him, "Yes! Of Course"

An impressive smirk appeared on the bad boy's face but vanished the second he listened to Adi's words further.

"You are a Silly Willy Dumbest Pant I have ever met"

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