Chapter 1- Graduation

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Author's Note: Hi! My friend and I wrote this story together over the summer so we hope you like it! Don't forget to vote and comment!

Chapter 1; Graduation

Rosie's POV...

 I sat down outside in the hot Honolulu summer sun, waiting for my name to be called. It doesn't help that my graduation cap and gown are adding another 100 degrees to me. I quickly wipe the sweat off of my face as I re adjust my perfectly curled hair which happened to take me an hour to do! But hey, it's not everyday you graduate from highschool! I get ready, because they're in the W's, meaning my name is going to be called any minute now. Honestly, I hate having a last name that is deep in the alphabet. In middle school you always have to be last for things.

"Rosemary Warren." I hear my principal call from the microphone. 

I walk up the stage with poise, making sure I look mysterious and hot at the same time. I grab my diploma from my principal as I walk off the stage, listening to the claps from my student body. It's kind of bittersweet graduating today. I think I'm going to miss Northshore Highschool. Well specifically my amazing friends I met through it.

After the last name was called, people start dispersing from the crowd and parents begin coming up to their children.

"Rosie." I hear a familiar voice from behind me.

"Mom, dad." I say as I give them both a big hug. My parents are the best. They have been there for me since the beginning..

"You did it! Congratulations!!" My dad cheers.

"USD won't know what hit them." My mom states, as tears begin welling in her eyes.

"Mom-" I say. My mom cries so easily, especially during movies.

"I know," she begins, wiping the tears off her eyes while trying to keep her mascara from smudging, "it's just i'm so proud of you. And to think of where you were in your life 6 years ago."

"I know mom." I say, not wanting to bring the subject up now.

"Boo-." One of my best friends, Phoebe shouts as she taps me. I look and see my other best friend, Fay, is by her side.

"Phoebe! Fay!" I exclaim, pulling them both into a group embrace.

"Congrats guys." Fay says with her usual bright smile.

"Go us!" I cheer.

"Let's go find the guys." Phoebe exclaims as she grabs both me and Fay's hands and begins dragging us along.

"Bye mom and dad. I'll be back in a second." I quickly say to them,

I can see from a distance, Ben, Reese and Johnny all talking in a group. We ran up to them, cheering.

"We're college students now!!" I exclaim.

"It still all feels so surreal." Phoebe replies.

"It just went by so damn fast." Reese adds.

"Group photo!" Reese's mom orders. I put my arm around Fay who is closest to me in the circle and she does the same to Johnny.

"I'm going to miss you guys so fucking much." Johnny states.

"Wish I could say the same." Ben says in his usual joking tone.

"Oh shut up Ben." Fay says as she rolls her eyes.

"Leave it to Ben to ruin the sentimental moment." Phoebe states.

"For real." Johnny replies.

"You guys love me." Ben says. We all laugh in response.

"We better make this summer the best one yet." Fay says.

"It better be since it's our last summer all together.." Reese states.

"To the best, last summer." Ben says.

"To the best last summer." We all say in mocking reply. 

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