Chapter 4- Cute Boys at the Country Club

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Chapter 4; Cute Boys at the Country Club

Rosie's POV:

We ended up staying out pretty late last night, surfing and hanging out. I finally get up, after staying in bed on my phone for like two hours. Today is the first official day of summer. Thank goodness. I wonder what I'll do today. The group talked about doing something but who knows, we usually just go with the flow when it comes to hanging out.

"Come in." I say in response to the knock at my door.

"Good morning." My mom greets as she opens my blinds, opening up my amazing ocean view. I dramatically cover my eyes in response to the blinding sun.

"Oh please. This usually isn't like you Rosie, staying in bed till 10:30." My mom states. She's right, I am a very early riser. I hate not getting out of bed by 8. It feels so unorganized and so... lazy.

"I know. But to be fair I was awake by 8, I just stayed in bed on my phone." I tell her.

"I suppose it is the first day of summer..." My mom begins. "Anyways, me and your father are leaving for the country club in about an hour or so. Would you like to come?" Ahh the infamous country club. My parents have been members at the club since we moved here when I was 14. They love golfing there and I'm not too bad myself.

"Sure. I think I'm going to invite a friend or two." I reply.

"Okay well get ready then." My mom orders, leaving my room. I get out of bed, looking through my closet for something to wear. I grab a pink tennis skirt and a white collared tank top. This will do:

I am about to send a quick text to Fay and Phoebe, asking them if they want to come but I stop midway, realizing Fay is probably working at the surf shop and Phoebe is probably working at her parents restaurant

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I am about to send a quick text to Fay and Phoebe, asking them if they want to come but I stop midway, realizing Fay is probably working at the surf shop and Phoebe is probably working at her parents restaurant. I end up asking my friend Vanessa if she wants to come.

"I call driving the golf cart." I shout, running over to the area where all the golf carts are parked.

"Whatever." Vanessa says as she rolls her eyes. "Be that way."

"It looks like our parents are talking." I say, as I look over to the other side of the grass.

"I didn't even know my parents were planning on coming today." Vanessa states.

"Be honest, do you actually like golfing or do you just like the cute outfits that come along with it?" Vannesa asks me suddenly.

"Hmm, a little bit of both." I respond with a laugh.

After completely demolishing Vanessa in golf, we decide to go up the drink area to get a beverage,

"Oh my God, who is that?" I ask, pointing to the hot guy working the snack and drink bar.

"He must be new because I have never seen him before."Vanessa states. The guy in front of us in line just ordered so they move out of the way as we move up in line.

"Hey, what can I get you?" The hot guy asks suddenly.

"Oh hi.. Can I please get a sparkling water." I say, giving him an up and down look.

"Coming right up." He says, filling up my drink.

"What's your name?" I ask him suddenly.

"Lucas." He replies.

" Hi Lucas, I'm Rosie."

"Nice to meet you."

"You too." I reply with a grin. He then hands me my drink and I begin walking away. One, two, thr-

"Wait-." He begins and I turn around.

"Can I get your number?"He asks me. Vanessa looks at me, impressed.

"Sure." He then hands me his phone as I type my number in.

"Well, I'll see you around Lucas." I say, walking away with Vanessa.

"You made that look real easy." She says. I just laugh in response.

"Who do we have here?" Mrs. Allen, Vanessa's mom, says. I look up to see my parents and the Allen's.

"Hi Mr and Mrs. Allen." I greet.

"Hello Rosie." They respond.

"How did your guy's match go?" My dad asks.

"Good. I won."I reply.

"That a'girl." Says my mom.

"She didn't just beat me, she demolished me." Vanessa says which causes everyone to laugh. Hey, what can I say? I am pretty good at golfing. Mainly because I've been coming to this club with my parents for years.

"Well we should be heading out. We have that party for Vanessa's grandma tonight." Mrs. Allen informs us suddenly.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys." My dad replies.

"We gotta catch up later." Mr. Allen states. 

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