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Ben's POV:

Things have been going pretty well since everyone left for college. I finally saved up enough to move out of my dads and I am currently living in a small apartment. I counted all the money that I saved up from doing small jobs around town and it was enough to afford a small one bedroom in Honolulu. Which is conveniently, right by my community college.

Fay and I are still seeing each other. It's quite easy since we live like ten minutes away from each other. Although I can tell all the stress of nursing school is getting to her. Even though she tries to hide it.

I'm in touch with everyone else in the group too, but I probably hangout with Reese the most because he's not busy with school.

School just ended, meaning we're out for the summer. Aka, everyone is coming back. Well everyone is back. Rosie flies in today in like fifteen minutes.

We're supposed to meet at her house in an hour. She is hosting a dinner/get together.

I check my pocket, making sure the case is carefully locked in there. Fay is meeting me here at my apartment and we're going to drive over to Rosie's together.

I suddenly hear a knock on my front door. I open the door to see Fay standing on the other end of it. She looks so pretty. The nerves have definitely kicked in for what I am about to do. I have definitely given it a lot of thought and I know that I am sure about this...

"Hey."I say, gesturing for her to come in. She leans in and I give her a kiss on the cheek.

"Hi. Rosie flies in soon."She says.

"I know, we should probably drive over to her house in a bit."I suggest.

"I'm so excited to see her. It's been so long."She states.

"I wonder what San Diego is like."I say.

"It's probably so nice there. Cali seems like a dream."Fay responds. I stand there, tapping my foot anxiously. I sit down on the couch and she follows me in pursuit. I feel like I swallowed my tongue because of how high the nerves are. She's looking at me, anticipating what I'm going to say next.

"Fay, I wanted to give you this.."I state as I get the ring out from my pocket and hand it to her. Her eyes widen in shock.

"Ben-"She begins but I interrupt her, needing to clarify something first.

"It's a promise ring. Signifying a future for our relationship. I know we're still too young to get married but I'm going to be honest with you Fay, I can't see myself with anyone else but you. I love you so much."I say. A blush forms on her cheeks and I can tell she is trying to hide it. A smile forms on her lips which causes one to form on mine too.

"Aww Ben, I love you too."She says before connecting our lips. She then sticks her hand out for me to put the ring on.

"Well we should probably head to Rosie's now."Fay suggests, getting up from the couch.

"Yeah."I reply, following her in pursuit.

"And Ben, I can't see myself with anyone else either."She says casually before walking out my apartment door. A smile tugs at the corner of my lips. God, I love this girl...


Fay's POV:

We walk up to the doorway of Rosie's house, ringing the doorbell. Within a second, she answers the door.

"FAY! BEN!"She says as she pulls us both into a hug.

"Rosie!"I exclaim.

"It's so good to see you guys."She says before leading us inside. When I walk into her house, I smell the fresh aroma of spaghetti and meatballs.

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