Chapter 26- Pancakes and Apologies

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Chapter 26; Pancakes and Apologies 

Phoebe's POV:

I hear a knock coming from my bedroom door. I internally groan, another person taking me away from watching Love Island.

"Hey."Johnny says in a soft tone as he enters my room. He is holding a plate of waffles.

"I made you your favorite."He says, placing it down on my nightstand.

"Thanks."I reply, dryly. Yes, I am still salty about our argument. He still hasn't apologized. He turns to walk out of my room but he stops midway.

"Look, Phoebe, I need to say something."Johnny says suddenly.

"I owe you an apology."He says, taking a deep breath,"I didn't know you felt that way. I guess I never really noticed."Johnny says, quietly. I don't respond, not knowing what to say.

"I guess I was just too focused on football. I never really stopped to think about how you felt which was wrong on my part"He says.

"And it was also wrong of me to think that I could tell you who and who not to date."I'm a bit taken by surprise by this apology. I wasn't expecting this much from him.

"Thanks Johnny."I say. "And sorry for going off at you, especially in front of Reese. It isn't your fault if mom and dad make me work in the shop and not you. If I had the opportunity not to work there, then believe me, I'd take it."I say.

"So we're good?"He asks with a hopeful expression.

"Yes Johnny, we're good."I say with a smile.

"Good. Now do me a favor and go find Reese. I can tell he really likes you."He states.

"Love you."I say, pulling him into a hug.

"Love you too."He responds. I don't hesitate before running out of the room.

"I'm taking the car!"I shout from downstairs. I grab the keys from the counter and drive over to Reese's house. Weird, I don't see his car in the driveway. I sit there in thought, thinking about where he could be. I suddenly think about the place that I should have checked first....

I park my car and run down the sand. I look out at the ocean, looking for any sign of him. It isn't long before I spot him on his board. God, he is so good at surfing. Even though I've been mad at him, it has been hard to ignore how hot he is.

He comes out of the water and I run down closer to the shore. Once he notices it's me, his expression turns to a grin. I run up to him and without saying anything, I smash my lips against his. He drops his board as he wraps his hands around my waist. I stand on my tiptoes, while he leans his head down. His grip around my waist tightens. It felt so good to have his lips on mine again. I put my hand out, resting it against his stomach. I can feel his defined abs.

"I forgot to do that earlier."I say, pulling away with a smile.

"Phoebe, I really like you."He states. My heart melts at that.

"I like you too."

"Now, can we get back to what we were doing earlier?"He asks. I smile in response before he connects our lips once again. 

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