Chapter 12- Beach Volleyball and a Bonfire

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Chapter 12; Beach Volleyball and a Bonfire

Phoebe's POV:

I wipe the table at the restaurant, looking at my reflection through the table. I've been working for five hours straight, and I am seriously tired. I can't believe Johnny doesn't have to do any of this.

I feel a vibration from my phone in my pocket. I try to ignore it, but I give in when it continues to buzz constantly.

I look through my notifications...

Ben: Are you guys up for a bonfire tonight?

Rosie: Hell yeah.

Rosie: Beach volleyball?

Fay: I'm so down

Johnny: prepare to lose 😈😈

Reese: I'm so scared 😱

I'm so excited. I was about to respond to the texts, when my mom decided to yell at me

"Ay Phoebe, muestra algo de respeto!"(Show some respect) My mom orders, angrily.

"Lo siento Mami." I say as I quickly put my phone away and get back to work.

After I finish my shift and clean up, I drive back home to get ready to hangout with my friends.

I end up picking out a multi color sweater with jean shorts to wear:

I end up picking out a multi color sweater with jean shorts to wear:

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Before I head out the house, I make myself a cup of iced coffee. I'm so tired after working all day, and I need to have energy to hangout with my friends.

When Johnny and I arrive at our spot, everyone is already there. I'm a little nervous to see Reese after everything that happened at the party. I haven't talked to him since and I've kind of been avoiding him. I'm worried that it's gonna be awkward or something.

"Finally, you guys are here." Ben says, as we walk over to them. The bonfire is already lit.

We sit down around the fire.

"I brought blankets." Rosie states, pulling out one of those popular colored stitched blankets.

"Of course you did. Miss always prepared." Johnny says

"Is that a bad thing?" Rosie replies.

"I wish that I was that organized."I say.

Ben begins grabbing something out of his bag, making a lot of noise.

"Ben, uh whatcha got there?" I ask. Suddenly, Ben pulls out a giant bag of weed.

"Holy shit-"Fay says, looking down at it.

"Let's go! Ben got the goods."Reese cheers.

"That's a whole lotta weed."Rosie observes.

"I don't know why you guys are surprised," Ben says

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