Chapter 15- Party Planning and Late Night Kisses

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Chapter 15; Party Planning and Late Night Kisses

Phoebe's POV:

"Johnny, did you take the last of the milk?"I ask, annoyed. So much for cereal for breakfast...

"I don't know. We were low when I got it out of the fridge."He says looking up from his phone with a mouth full of cereal. I roll my eyes in response.

"I think your phone just buzzed."Johnny says, holding my phone up. I grab it from him and look at the most recent message. A text from Rosie's mom? What could this be about?

Rosie's mom:

Hey sweetie. Could you get Johnny, Fay, Ben and Reese and come over to our house?

I look at my phone confused.

"Who was it?"Johnny asks.

"Rosie's mom. She wants me to get the rest of the group and come over to her house."I tell him.

"Why?"He asks.

"I have zero idea.... Shit, I hope everything's okay."I reply.

"Me too. I'll send a text to everyone."Johnny says.

I sprint to the table and quickly grab the keys.

"I'm driving."I say, waving the car keys.

We arrive at Rosie's, meeting everyone there.

"What's this all about?"Ben asks

"I have no idea." I tell him.

"Is Rosie even here? Her car isn't in the driveway."Reese states.

"What the fuck? Why are we meeting her mom alone?" Ben says, with questioning eyes.

"I guess we'll see." I reply, knocking on the front door.

Rosie's mom and dad open it a moment after.

"Hi everyone! Thanks for coming. Please come in!" Rosie's mom says, leading us in.

"Hi Mr. and Mrs. Warren!" Fay says

with a smile. Fay is always very polite with adults.

We all sat down on the sofa.

"I know this may be a little random asking you to come over all of a sudden, but as you may know, Rosie's birthday is coming up next week.."Mrs. Warren begins, "And my husband and I wanted to do something extra special for her 18th birthday. So we thought who better to ask than her closest friends."

So that's why she invited us over.

"That sounds like so much fun."I say

"Is this a surprise party?" Johnny asks

"We were planning on that, yes."Mr. Warren states.

"We would love to help."Fay says

"Sounds fun." Reese and Ben say

After about 30 minutes of planning, Rosie's parents decided to go with the idea of doing a yacht party. I'm really excited, this party sounds amazing. I can't believe Rosie gets to have this as her 18th birthday.

After we were done talking, I looked at my phone to see a text from Rosie on the group chat.


I have a perfect idea. The weather tomorrow is supposed to be triple digits so boat day?


Hell yeah


I'm free

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