Chapter 1: How It All Started

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Some neighbours rushed my mother, Hajiya Zainab Akorede, to the hospital. I stood by her side, making dua’ (supplications), and reciting silent prayers. Her poor heartbeat throbbed slowly, she was breathing through an oxygen mask. Mum hasn’t gained consciousness since the incident happened. I don’t want to talk about it right now because the last five days have been the worst days of my life. A slight headache struck me as I clasped her stiff hands with mine. She looked terrible in this state. I can’t help but wish that nightmare didn’t happen.

I just watched her chest rise and fall with every breath.

Lost in thoughts, I closed my eyes and a single tear rolled out of my pressed eyelids. An exasperated sigh escaped me with my chapped lips pressed together.

As it is, I was just discharged minutes ago from this same hospital. I stayed with my mum in the ER while they took out the bullet from her head, which was still bleeding despite being wrapped in cotton and a bandage.

Mallam Shehu, Alfa Luqman, and Imam Hussain Akorede, my dad, were with the doctor in his office. They were discussing potential solutions to save my mother. Lost in the thoughts of it all, the painful tears that washed down my face made me quiver, like a leaf against the dawn dews.

Suddenly, someone stormed into the ward.

“Stay away from mum, baffling witch!” he pushed me before I could even look back.

It was Ibrahim, my elder brother. He is usually rude and irritable and I’m the gentle one. His stronger hand pulled mine away from Mum immediately. He got in and I gasped for air, shocked at his attitude.

“You put her in this situation and you’re praying? The robbers raped you because you’re ill-luck. I don’t want you near Mum, just go home and get lost!” He fired at me with so much hate.

“Brother...” I muttered slowly, while I allowed the painful tears to gather in my eyes.

“Take yourself and that bastard away from our lives. It is causing so much trouble already!” He raged louder this time.

“Will you stop sinning against yourself? And stop uttering nonsense, brother Ibro! It’s not my fault, no matter what you do... So don’t put your hatred on me because I never wanted this for myself.” I fought to keep my voice from shaking and moved closer to him with my right palm on his shoulder, but he flinched away.

“Bro Ibro, where is your faith?” Tears of sadness stream down my weak eyes. My heart and whole body were trembling with my voice. Deep in me, I know I’m never going to be the ‘Aisha Akorede’ I was five days ago.

“He says we should believe in good or bad.” I continued. “We all make plans, but Allah is the best planner. Keep faith in God, everything would be fine, Insha Allah...” I faced him and looked into his red eyes... All I could see was the boiling level of his anger and hatred.

After staring at me for a while, Ibrahim's lips cracked a firm smirk, to the effect of me saying insha Allah. Its dark effects spread through the bright, silent room. I gazed up at him and his eyes, full of suspicion, lowered to mine in a glare.

The running tears that I pulled back made it flexible enough for me to swallow the lump of fear in my dry throat.

“You must be insane, Aisha! It baffled you! I can’t believe that you are the one telling me this right now! Your presence stinks me! Just excuse me... Madam saint!” Ibrahim hissed at me with disgust and hurried out of the room, the way he entered.

His words made me chew on my lower lip, and my eyes busted out in tears. As if I was floating, an intensely cold sensation made me hold on to my head. My lips trembled. I broke down in tears on my mother’s hand on the hospital bed. With a tightened grip, a flood of tears gushed down my triangle cheeks.

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