Chapter 14

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A Week Later...

For a while, she has been seeing me in her dreams, praying for her good health, wellbeing and her fruitfulness.

Hajia Maryam became sick with guilt, and her conscience wasn’t clear. She kept on crying and couldn’t stop feeling guilty about sending me out. One day,as she was cooking dinner, her vision suddenly clouded as she held her head in pain. Everything around her spun as her vision became blurry. She fell down and fainted.

Alhaji Akereke was just entering from the office when he checked on her (even though they were still mad at each other.) It shocked him to see her lying on the floor and quickly rushed her to the hospital.


Later in the hospital, In the doctor’s office...

“Your wife is completely fine, Alhaji Akerele. The doctor hands him an envelope. “She just needs proper care and a lot of rest.”

“No doctor, it’s been a while now and she has been feeling feverish. Something is definitely wrong with her.” Alhaji Akerele complained.

“Congratulations, Alhaji Akereke. Your wife is six weeks pregnant, and this is the result, sir.” The doctor handed him a brown envelope.

“She’s what? Pregnant?” He tore the envelope and went through the pregnancy result. “Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!! Allahu Akbar Kabirah!!!” He yelled and hugged the doctor happily. It looked rather awkward than normal. The doctor only replied with a smile and went to attend to other patients.

Alhaji Akerele rushed to his wife’s ward and went to Hajia’s bed. He sat on a chair facing her and held her hands with so much joy and happiness.

She gently moved, facing him with tears in her eyes.

“I’m so sorry about what I caused Hüsby. Forgive me.”

“Don’t worry, I’ve forgiven you.” He kissed her hands and sat beside her. It seems God has answered our prayers already. Allah has smiled at us and showered us with His mercy..."

“What do you mean? She looked confused at her husband’s smiling face. “Is Aisha back home?”

“No.. no that. You’re already pregnant, Wifey. We gonna be parents in months’ time, see this!” He handed her the test result, and she sat down and cried for a while. The corners of her lips tucked in her chin. She just sniffed, wiping off her eyes because smiling was difficult. It was the tears of joy.

“It’s been 13 years now... I can’t believe I would soon become a mother. Rabbi habilli minassahilhiina. Sami’ naa wa ‘ata naa ghufra naka Rabbana wailaykal massir.

Oh my Lord! Grant me a righteous son. We hear and we obey. We seek for Your forgiveness, Our Lord, and to You is the end of all journeys.” She recited several, facing her husband’s joyful face.

Surely, It was a moment worth waiting for. Like a feedback about the time that Aisha prayed for her having a child before next year played in her head.

“We still need to look for her. Maybe we should visit Lagos after a while. We should ask for her forgiveness and probably thank and her family.” Hajia maryan suggested.

“Yes.. let’s do that next month.” He agreed.


Doctor Abdullah paid a visit. I was watching my new favourite television channel, Islam Channels. Just then, I heard the alarm.

“Assalam Alaikum,” He pressed the alarm by the door side.

“Walaikum sallam!” I went to check who it was. I opened the door, and my eyes widened to see it was the doctor. He wore a bright smile, staring at me like he usually does.

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