Chapter 17

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“It’s so unbelievable. Did he tell his mother what happened? Why would he do this to me?...” I thought.

“Doctor Abdullah?”

“Yes, I’m his mother. He sent me your picture about a month ago, so you see... I know you well... I mean, it would surprise you how much I know about you, darling.” She swiped the screen of her phone and showed me the picture he sent. I looked so confused, letting in the wrong person.

“I suggested he propose to you but you rejected him. Why? Aren’t you close enough to trust him yet? Why are you avoiding him, what about your treatments?”

“No, no... It’s not like that ma... I mean...”

She moved closer.

“You are what is missing in Abdul’s life. You are who I want for him. Can you believe he’s been sick as well? I had to come and make things right.”

“W..what do you mean, ma. I don’t understand.”

“Only you can make him better. How do I say this?” She thought for a while.

“I don’t expect you to accept his proposal or anything. But do it for the sake of Allah. I promise to settle the issue with your family. Please, give my son a chance in your life.”

“I’m only 16 ma, I can’t think of marriage now.”

“Aisha, I understand your reasons for acting this way but I ensure you, your case won’t be like mine...”

“Ma, what do you mean case?”

“I was only 16 when I got married to his father. Our parents were wealthy business partners, and I was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Then, I wanted to study more but my parents gave my hand to marriage. We were only friends but grew to become lovers. I and Zayd were so much in love until the unfortunate incident.” She looked down, almost in tears.

“What happened, ma?” I asked with so much concern.

“Can I get a cup of water, please?”

“Okay ma.” I stood up to get it for her. I wonder why she’s even telling me this... but I believe her. I served her the water as she gently gulped it down her died throat.

“So what happened, ma...” I moved closer

“What was the incident all about?”

“Zayd accidentally got shot by a bunch of drunk policemen, a night after our wedding. The policemen were arrested that same day, but it was too late. It was so painful and unbearable for me. When I learnt I was carrying a child in me, I made a promise to myself. I made a promise to give my child the very best.”


“Aisha, my dear, I’m not here to beg you to accept his proposal or marry my son. I’m here to beg you to make my promise into reality and make my dream come true. I never remarried because I loved Zayd that much. You’ll never know if you never try Aisha. I think you complete Abdul’s story.”

“Mother, your story is so touchy and I feel your pain as well but... I think you should give me time to think about i-“

Just then, Zainab walked in.

“Assalam Alaikum.” She greeted when she caught the view of us. Her smile seemed to fade away as she entered.

“Wa’alaikum sallam...” We both answered as she took me upstairs, into her room. Seeing me with a guest, she must have a lot to ask, I know.

“Who is she? Your mother?”

“No, she’s Dr. Abdullah’s mother. She entered a while ago. So, how was your date? Why was your phone switched off?”

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