Chapter 21

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Dr. Abdullah in his mind, let out a whole series of sighs that sounded like complaints unspoken. He was worried and wondered why they came to his house early that morning. Was it because of what happened last night? Maybe or maybe not. All their faces were looking serious and unfriendly.

“Assalam ‘Alaikum...” He greeted.

“Wa’alaikum Sallam.” They answered as they all walked in.

“How can I help you officers? Hope no problem?” His eyes searching their piquant faces.

“We’re looking for one Miss Aisha Akorede.” One thick-voiced man answered.

I walked into the living room as I heard my name.

“I’m Aisha Akorede, sir.”

“Young-lady, you’ll need to follow us to our station for thorough interrogation.”

“-What?! Why?”

“We are from Ajilete police station. You need to come with us to the station.”

“Hope no problem, sir?”

“The autopsy report reveals that the yogurt Zainab drank last contains poison.”

“But I didn’t give her the yogurt.”

“There’s no need to panic. You’ll know better when you get there!”

“What? But she’s heavily pregnant!” Abdullah tried to stop them.

“It’s no problem, sir. Just an interrogation, that’s all.”

“Okay, let’s go then.”

Hajia Amina looked so worried as she caught the view of the police officers. She already started crying. Abdullah wiped away her tears and looked into her confused eyes.

“Don’t worry mum, I’ll take care of everything. I promise.”

Abdullah followed us, asking his mum to stay at home.


At the police station...

“Dr. Abdullah, this case is serious. It’s more serious than you can even imagine.”

“What is it, officer... Just go straight to the point.”

“Commissioner Sulaiman Akorede is really serious about finding the suspect.”

“Who is he?”

“Zainab Akorede, the victim’s elder brother, is the commissioner of police in South-Africa. He had lots of influence and connects and he’s also demanding we investigate on this issue as fast as possible.” He explained.

“What? I can’t even hurt a fly. Why are all fingers pointing at me?” I muttered, with tears glittering in my eyes.

“But the victim is still alive, right?” Abdullah confirmed, still holding my hand in he’s.

“Yes, she is. This case could go far beyond that, you know?” He looked at me. “If she had died, they would have arrested you for murder. In fact, they should charge you to court and the chances that they will jail you are high.”

I felt dizzy as he said those words; ‘charged... court... jailed.’

I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was as if I was dreaming and someone would just wake me up, saying all of this is a lie. It was so unbelievable that I tried to stop myself from sinking into the pit of darkness I was falling into.

“Ahh! So, is there a way out?”

“Let’s pray the victim regains consciousness as soon as possible. But they would carry out a serious investigation because commissioner Sulaiman is not at rest on this case.”

“Why were you two living together? Are you related in any way?” The D.P.O asked.

“No sir, we are very close friends and I’ve been living with her for 2 months now.”

“So what actually happened?”

“I left home 9:00 a.m. yesterday morning and got back around 10:00 p.m. It was only Zainab at home. She hardly gets any visitors, but she goes out a lot. Zainab offered me dinner last night, and I went to the toilet because I was pressed. I was so tired and dizzy... All I remember is that I fell asleep on my bed. It was about an hour later. I heard her scream and rushed to the kitchen. Then next thing I saw was Zainab struggling to stand up and soon she started couching, blood started pouring from her mouth. I was the one that called this doctor, sir. Trust me, I wouldn’t poison Zainab for any reason.”

“If you were really close friends, you should know if she had a fight or maybe a quarrel with someone. Did she eat from somewhere else yesterday evening? Do you suspect anyone?”

“Officer, we are close friends but not really that close... And she didn’t come home the day before yesterday because there was an issue... Could it be him?”

“Who are you talking about?” The D.P.O asked impatiently. His eyes searching mine for immediate answers.

“Zainab goes on blind dates almost every evening, but she never sleeps outside. There was this man she told me about...” My sad eyes started forming tears as I remembered.

“She said he lied. His name was Fahad Fuhad, but his real name was Sahil Fahir. He’s 6 feet tall, dark in complexion and a managing director of Dangote Business Company, the one at Kubwa branch. After they had dinner, she immediately got dizzy and her heart hurt.”

They both looked at themselves,  stunned at my words.

“What? You mean this happened to Zainab Akorede?” The D.P.O questioned in dismay.

“Yes, sir... Later, yesterday morning, she woke up beside him all naked. She lost her virginity. He drugged and raped my poor friend and left her a heartbreaking letter. I’m sure it would still be in her room. He gave her HIV/AIDs...” I broke down in tears on Abdullah’s shoulder .

“It’s okay, dear... Stop crying.” He held me closer, cuddling me in a tight hug.

The D.P.O took out a deep sigh, nodding his head. He had a satisfied look on his face, as if he understood everything.

“Okay, I would investigate this issue and find this guy.”

“You can go home now... We’ll give you the feedback later. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Okay, thanks a lot sir.” Abdullah help me up and took me into his car.

Later that day, we went to visit Zainab in the hospital. She was receiving to treatment respectively but hasn’t gained consciousness, yet. I held her hand with so much love and care. Wondering why she had to go through so much pain. It was so painful, I gently kissed her hand and made this prayer by her bed.

Anni massiyaz durru wa Anta Arhamur-Rahimin

Truly, distress has seized me, but You are The Most Merciful of Those who are Merciful.

(Q21: V87)

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