19: The Big Reveal

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It seemed like the day would never end. After the dramatic afternoon with Ezra, I just couldn't wait to go home.

When I walked into my house, I immediately found myself scanning the room for Varun before anyone else. Which is kind of funny if you think about it, since he doesn't even live here, but he's here so often that I expected him to be there.

I couldn't wait to catch up with him about everything that happened last night and to experience this new relationship with him. Even if that meant we had to keep extremely hidden from Ajit. One upside was that Ajit had this new relationship that kept him occupied. Thank god for this mystery girl because she really blessed my life in a way that she didn't even know.

To my surprise, Ajit was already home and he was just sitting on the couch. He was just scrolling on his phone. I knew that it was risky, but I really wanted to know where Varun was. It wouldn't be too suspicious to ask him, right?

On the other hand, this guy was the same guy that once punched Varun when he made a joke with me, so you could never be too sure.

"Hey," I said casually, while placing my things down. "Varun's not here?" I said, trying to sound as nonchalant as possible.

Ajit scoffed and chuckled nastily. Oh no, was he on to something? Did he figure out what we did last night?

"Wouldn't you like to know," Ajit said in a harsh tone.

Shit. Shit. Shit, he knew, he definitely knew. I was dead... he probably already killed Varun, that's probably why he wasn't here.

"What?" I joked, forcing a chuckle. I needed to play cool. He could be bluffing right now.

"You heard me, "Ajit said.

I did my best to keep his stare, but I couldn't help but look away from him. He was being incredibly intimidating right now and I was genuinely scared. I felt as if I was in a horror movie and the killer was about to attack me any second.

"Maybe, I should be the one to ask you about Varun," Ajit said.

I was about to throw up. How in the hell did he figure it out and what exactly did he know? Varun definitely did not tell him, so how did he figure it out?

"What would I know about Varun?" I challenged back. If this was Ajit's bluff, I needed to be a couple steps ahead of him.

Ajit scarily laughed, shaking his head in a dramatic manner, and stood up still a couple of meters away from me. "You're right, I'll just ask you about Ezra," he said.

My heart sunk, and my eyes widened. Fuck. He knew, this was definitely not a bluff. It seemed that he knew everything.

Ajit took a step closer to me, "Aw, sad big bro found out?" he mocked.

I could hear my heart pounding in my ears as I felt like screaming and crying. I was scared. Beyond scared. Would he kill me now? I wouldn't put it beyond him. I went against him in the most insane way I could've. I knew this was all a bad idea.

"Well surprise, surprise, little sis, but I knew all along," he admitted.

I raised my eyebrows slightly. He did? He knew it all along? How was that even possible? My breathing became hollow and calculated. I felt like I was about to have a panic attack any second. I was forgetting how to breathe and I felt myself becoming lightheaded.

Ajit stood threateningly close to me, now, he said, "You thought you were so clever, sneaking around with these two guys, thinking big bro just would never notice and that I was just some bimbo."

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