20: Heartbreak

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My tears soaked through my shirt and I couldn't help but begin hyperventilating. Everyone in my life had been lying to me. My feelings were manipulated and the immense amount of trust I had in my heart was stripped. H-how could they be so evil? How could they make me love someone and then just tear it all to shreds. It was inhumane.

Ajit sighed, he looked like he felt a bit accomplished for letting out the truth. It seemed like he didn't even care how much "the truth" broke me. How could he, though, right? It was his master plan in the first place. He was the puppet master, Varun was the puppet, and I was the pawn.

I wondered what exactly Varun would tell Ajit about our relationship. Presumably, he told him everything, right? From the ice skating date, to the inside jokes, to the almost kisses... to our prom?

My heart felt like it was shattering thinking of that prom.

My heart hurt so much. Why me? What did I do to deserve this? How could I have prevented this heartache? Maybe if I never talked to Ezra in the first place, maybe if I never went to that stupid fucking carnival.

I heard the doorknob suddenly jangle, and my heart stopped. Please let it be mom.

"Hey Ahujas," Varun called out, happily while entering the room.

Varun immediately met my tear-stained, fury-filled eyes, then looked over at a smug Ajit on the couch.

Ajit perked up, almost excited at the timing of Varun's arrival.

"Shows over," Ajit sneered.

Varun's eyes suddenly filled with guilt and that's what confirmed everything to me. His lips parted, and I immediately stood up, shoving past him and running out towards the driveway.

"Tara!" Varun called, as he ran at full speed behind me, "Please, I could explain."

I couldn't run any further without causing a scene. I just stood there praying he would go away.

"Tara, please let me explain," he pleaded.

No matter how convincing his explanation could be, it didn't change the fact that he betrayed my trust either way. Why should I have to be the one to listen to him? I didn't owe him anything. He owed me the decency to at least leave me alone, at the very least.

Varun reached for my hands and I stopped him. "Don't you dare fucking touch me, I never want to see you again," I said.

Varuns eyes flashed with pain, as he realized that I meant the words that I was saying. Even though I hated him, I had to look away, I still couldn't see him in pain, even if he deserved it.

"Please, Tara," Varun's trembling voice said.

I-I couldn't hear him out. I couldn't do that to myself. I had to keep my dignity. If I was being honest, I knew I couldn't hear him out because a part of me— no, a big portion of me, would give in. It would give in to whatever excuse or even lie he would come up with, and I'd believe him, just because he's Varun and even though I hated him, he meant a lot to me. Feelings don't just go away in a second, even though I really wished they could.

Varun stared down at me, and I brushed past him, hitting his shoulder. I rain into the house and straight into my room. I heard Varun calling after me, but I didn't care.

From inside my room, I heard Varun say, "What the hell did you tell her?"

Ajit scoffed, "The truth, something you'd never do," he said.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Ajit? What fuckking truth are you talking about, because my truth is sure as hell different than yours," he said.

"Go take your rom-com melodrama somewhere else," Ajit said.

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