21: Dahlia Returns

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The next morning or actually, afternoon, I rushed downstairs. Everything in me wanted to stay home, but what good would that do? Skipping school would eventually just make me more anxious.

I skipped that business class today, so at least I didn't have to see Ezra.

The first pair of eyes that I met when stepping down the stairs were Varun's. His eyes immediately snapped towards me and gave me a warm longing look. I rolled my eyes immediately, and continued walking.

That was until, I noticed Dahlia, the girl from school sitting on the same couch as him. My heart sunk. What a cruel fucking joke.

This didn't even feel like my house anymore. I felt trapped. Why did they have to be here?

I had to pretend that I was unfazed. I made a beeline for the kitchen, keeping my head down.

"Tara!" Varun called. I ignored his calls and just walked into the kitchen. I heard him coming after me, and I internally groaned, why was he making this so difficult? He had hurt me enough.

Why didn't I just eat out today, and maybe for the rest of my life, at least until Ajit moves out. Ajit was in the kitchen as well

"Tara, I'm sorry!" Varun exclaimed, standing behind me, "Please, talk to me."

I scoffed, turning to face him. His fists were reddened and bruised. His eyes were bloodshot, and it looked like he hadn't slept all night. It pained me to see him like that, but I had to stop myself from showing him any sympathy.

"You're sorry?" I asked in disbelief, I shook my head, "Yeah, I am too."

I turned to Ajit, who just watched us, keeping this face neutral.

"What can I do to just talk to you? I'll do anything—please, Tara," Varun pleaded, with longing eyes. His voice was breaking, and his eyes were glassy.

Fuck, if I stood here for two minutes more, I'd be an inconsolable mess. It was hard to hold my ground. Why'd Varun have to mess everything up?

"I don't want to talk to you, Varun," I said. His once sweet name tasted like poison in my mouth.

His face slightly dropped, and it was as if I could see his heart come crashing down. How dare he make me feel bad about any of this, though? This was all his fault.

I glanced over at Ajit and he had an odd expression on his face. He held a sad gaze and intently focused on Varun's current state. He blinked slowly with his eyebrows turned down. Did he seriously feel bad for him, too?

"You guys alright in there?" Dahlia's voice called out from the living room. Oh, right, she was here, too.

I snapped back towards Varun. "Cut the act, your next bitch is waiting for you, and oh god, do I wish her all of the luck in the world," I spat.

I turned to walk away, and Varun grabbed my wrist. "Tara—"

"Don't fucking touch me!" I shouted, ripping my wrist away from him. How dare he think he even had that right? Fuck him.

How long had he even being seeing Dahlia? Probably this whole time, right? I just had to get out of this place.

"Wait," Ajit called out this time, "Tara, stay a minute."

I shut my eyes tightly and groaned. Why the fuck did he want to torture me some more?

"I have a class," I said. Yeah, it was in about an hour, but I didn't want to stay here any longer.

Ajit rolled his eyes, "It'll only take a minute," he said. Varun watched us clearly filled with confusion as well.

Ajit grabbed my wrist and urged me towards the living room. Dahlia would be there, and I just couldn't act cordial with her right now.

"Ajit, please don't, " I pleaded, trying to worm out of his strong grip. Ajit stood me in front of the couch, and he walked over to Dahlia. Varun walked in behind me.

Ajit reached his arm over Dahlia, and kissed her on the cheek, "Dahlia is with me, not Varun," Ajit explained.

Ajit waited a moment, trying to read my neutral expression.

"Okay?" I said, unamused. I whipped around to face Varun, "If you thought that would change anything, you two are just so fucking pathetic."

What was Ajit even doing? Did he want me to forgive Varun? No, this must've been some kind of a ploy in one of his plans.

Without another word, I rushed out of the door, and to my car. I rushed over to college and sat in my car. My life was too complicated at the moment, and I couldn't handle it. It was doing no good to my heart for it to be thudding this hard.

I stepped out of my car, and rushed over to sit under a tree. Maybe some fresh air would do me good. When I sat down, I felt my head spinning and patches of black coming in front of my eyes.

"Tara! Oh my god, are you okay?" Ezra asked.

Where did he come from? His eyes looked full of worry, and he was watching my every move. He gently placed his fingers on my chin and tilted my head up.

Why was he so damn sweet? I didn't deserve it. I felt myself getting choked up. He sat down next to me, and reached for his backpack. He pulled out a new water bottle, and handed it to me.

I took a sip of the water he handed me.

"Are you okay?" he asked, again.

Oh god, there was that question again. I couldn't take it. You shouldn't ask that question to someone who's on the brink of a mental breakdown.

Tears began streaming down my face. I buried my head in my knees and began sobbing.

"Oh Tara," Ezra said, rubbing my back, gently. I wiped the tears away from my face. "What happened?"

I sniffled, "Ezra, no, don't, I can't drag you into this again," I said.

"Oh..." Ezra said, he faced the ground, "I get it, I-I just can't see you hurt like this."

"I'll be okay," I assured. I'm not sure if I was telling Ezra that or myself.

He nodded, "Whatever it is, I know you will, you always make it through," he said.

I nodded, with a couple of tears streaming down. Yeah, I'll make it through, whatever it takes.

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