Cale's life

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Ichigo handed out snacks while resting he did say you couldn't feel hunger but he didn't also wanna let them starve and not eat anything they could still taste food though.

"Alright this is where it gets interesting brace yourself we shall start" The two were just fillers as two how they got access towards the heavenly realm.

They could see Cale strolling around the Henituse mansion

"Ah... Young master... " rosalyn said

"Ho? When was this?" Ron said as he stares at the screen in amusement.
Cale shivers....

Cale let's out a sigh "if I remember correctly Kim said there was a music room here somewhere"

Cale remembers Kim saying the Henituse house having a secret music room

"A secret music room?" Lily mumbles in question.

"We have a secret music room?" Based looks at his also confused father.

Cale arrives at the secret music room filled with many different kinds of instruments

"Ah... Some of the instruments are... From another world"

Some instruments were not from the roan kingdom or from this world to be exact

Cale takes the guitar as he got out of the music room heading towards the garden to quietly play the instrument he has.

He passed by a few paintings dedicated to him and the heroes who fought for war and won hanging on the walls

He had an idea

"Pls tell me it's not something related to destructive and causing lots of paper work.." Alberu said as he massage his temples.

"What does this unlucky bastard gonna do know" Eruhaben said as he too was getting headaches.

"What does this idiot plan on doing now" ogCale said as he stuffs his face with cookies.

He started to play his guitar

𝄞Written on these walls are the stories I can't explain𝄞】

"Oh... The young master has a very beautiful voice indeed" they agreed to however said it.

"As expected of the future empress" alberu said as he nods and continues watching the video.

Tasha just roles his eyes 'he's all talk'she thought.

[The goddess of shadows Says she's rooting for Alberu!]

[The God of death does not permit any bugs around his child]

[The God of ships silenced the God of death]

[The Sun God Also roots for alberu and will be supporting him with her best friend the goddess of shadows]

【𝄞I leave my heart open

But it stays right here empty for days𝄞

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