A World They want

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"Well that was a nice break don't you think?" Ichigo said as he looked at cale, kim, and Ogcale he smiles sinisterly



"Where us my human?!"-Raon


"Cale nya?!"-Hong

"What the- what did you do?! Where is my bride?!"-Tboah barrow

A big white cube appeared above the tcf world as Ichigo pointed towards it.

" there sleeping in that, it's sound prof so we won't disturb the sleeping beauties don't worry I'll give them back to you"

Ichigo smiles brightly, which made white star not trust that smile as he asked.

"Why did you transfer them? He was clearly comfortable with me"

Ichigo gave white star a look of -the audacity this guy has- but shakes his head and sigh.

"Because I wanna show all of you something, I at least wanna help him get what he wishes for, and you can help me with that"

What their hero wants?

What their hero wish?

Well whatever that is they will surely make it happen he had done so much for them so it's their time to repay him.

"Now pay attention"


Cale could be seen staring outside the villa built inside the forest of darkness where the wolf and tiger tribe reside.


"Seems like this happened in our world not the world of God's.."-Sherrit said.

"he looks like he has a lot in his head"-Mila

" I wonder when this happened and how we didn't know about it"-Eruhaben


It was night time the children were fast asleep

And because he could not sleep he decided to take a little night walk.


"Wearing such light clothes while the breeze is cold?" Basen muttered.

"He will get a cold!" lily said in a worried tone.

"It seems like will have a lot to talk about🙂"-Ron


Cale was thinking...


" oh no... I hope his not thinking anything relating to me drowning in paper works.."


He was thinking about a world someone dreamed...

A world were he too would like to see.


Someone dreamed?

A world the hero-nim likes to see?

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