There all the same

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Well now that THAT was over let's move on to the next mentally breaking video as they comprehend what kind of shit I made.🙂

Sayeru and dorph still thinks barrow was possessed or maybe hypnotized.

While the others were still left silent as they saw how much the gods and goddesses really care and love for cale, kim, and ogcale.

"Alright next so we can finish this and get this over with I still have work to do other than this"ichigo said as he sipped his tea and flicked his fingers.

The devil doesn't bargain

The god of death


[The sun god roles her eyes]

"... "


He have seen many dimensions one of whom where different cale's and kim resides.

But in these different dimension one thing stays the same.

It's either betrayal, or abandoned and neglected by family

It's either one of the two which cale or kim experienced with.

So the god of death decided he needed to at least warn ogcale(from a different world than this fanfiction's ogcale) about his decision towards their deal.


[The god of death nods]

"That's sweet of you to warn me but my decision in any dimension you went will stay the same" Kim said as he took a sip of his tea given by ichigo.

[The god of death weakly nods I'm acknowledgement]


It's useless, don't do this

Your not the one responsible for anyone's life so you don't need to sacrifice yourself for them

It's hubris to try

They were not his responsibility their deaths were not because of him but simply because it was their time


"... "

Kim was silent as he sipped his tea

Cale wanted to nod with the god of deaths reason but was soon stopped by a sudden message.

["It is also not your responsibility Cale"]


Their ruthless

A dimension where Cale was betrayed by his group.

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