OgCale's Lesson learned

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"Alright let's move on to the next Video the TBOAH world might wanna focus on this" Ichigo said as he flicks his hand

You could see ogCale this was after choi-han beat him up as his most trusted butler Ron left him.】

The first few words were... Not very welcoming as the people mentioned within the phrase flinched.

OgCale was not mad not sad I mean he did understand that no one would wanna stay with a trash like master such as him

But it did hurt... He was thinking about Ron not just being his butler but also a father figure of him, since his mother died he was really the only one there for him

His hands were warm as he nurtured him but it seems like those same warm hand left him.

He wipes the tears that were starting to come down as he stood up out of bed and went towards the secret music room or let's just say ogCales dark room.

It was a room where he goes whenever he wanted to run away from everything and let himself be free.

He took a deep breath 'it's okay, it's fine im used to it'
He thought as he was making his way towards the "secret music room"】

TBOAH Ron felt a pang in his heart after he reads a few words, he really didn't wish to leave him but he also didn't care... About him either.... Ahh he was a bitch.

He thought as he grips a dagger hidden inside his sleeves.

A dark room... Alberu thinks he had a place like that or maybe he wished he had a place like that...

Choi-han was slightly feeling sorry as he stares at how cogCale walk towards the " dark room" with a stoic face.

OgCale was frowning why are they showing this? This is unvasion of privacy!

When ogcale arrived he smiled as he sees what greeted him


Lots of instruments

This place was supposed to be empty with only a single couch in the middle but somehow his mom found this place and decorated it with lots and lots of instruments.

Saying;"If ever you want to vent out your bottled up feeling and don't know how come here and sing"

He went towards the piano where him and his mother would always play together as he took a deep breath】


Ahhh..." Cale let's out a small gasps of knowledge as he now knows why this secret music room is precious to both of them...

He was also irritated why they were showing this, isn't this a bit private.

【𝄞I used to shut my door

While my mother screamed in the kitchen 𝄞】


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