A fatherly bonding

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"Now then shall we start"


Cale has had a hard day...

Dealing with the nobles and the glib prince all day he just wanted to rest now and be one with the bed


"And I'm gonna be surprised if that really happened" Rosalyn said as she chuckles

"Which happens?" Mary asked innocently

"Him getting rest"


But there was a problem


"Called it"

"Oh... "


Someone thought it was a good idea to give the kids coffee

And the result...

"Human! I'm faster than light!"

"Cale nya! I'm flying!"

"Zoom! Zoom!"

"🗿... "

What would be good? What would make them go to sleep?


Then Cale recalled about something, something parents do to help their child sleep.

A lullaby


"Human will sing to us!!"



"How bout this, I'll sing for you guys and when I'm done you go to sleep?"

"... "

"... Mmm let's see"


"If it makes us sleepy"

Cale sighs and tucks his children In

Cale thought he should make the area a little more fit and comfy to sleep at and so...

He used his wood AP to create some vines that grow flower in them to envelope the bed, the flowers emitting a nice scent would help the children sleep peacefully.

Then he asked the wind elementals to call some fire elementals to somehow heat up the room.

Now that the peacefully and nice sleeping area was built time to sing them a lullaby.

He notices a few more people at the door as he called. Out to them

"Come in there plenty of room for everyone"

Lily, basen, lock, the wolf children aswell as mary. Came in as they all blushed from. Embarrassment.

Cale smiles a gentle smile that makes the children admire his beauty.

"Come on join us"

Lily who really wanted to be with her brother and hear him sing a lullaby for her to sleep immediately went towards her orabuni.

The others saw this and joined in as well.

The bed was surprisingly big enough for them to all fit,well thanks to cale's AP making plenty of room for the children to sleep comfortably.

Cale started to sing.

Lavenders blue, dilly, dilly

Lavenders green

Cales beautiful voice made the children's ears dance.

When I am king, dilly, dilly

You shall be queen

Who told you so dilly, dilly?

Who told you so?

'Twas my own heart dilly, dilly

That told me so

Cale caresses raon's scales and the kittens fur

Call up your men dilly, dilly

Set them to work

Some to the plough dilly dilly

Some to the fork

Some to make hay dilly dilly

Some to make corn

The children drifted to sleep as Cale continues his song

The children's dreamed enchantedly as raon dreams he was making hay and Hong cutting corn while farming with their father.

While you and I dilly dilly keep ourselves warm

Lilly and basen dreamed about how they spend time with their brother on a cold winter day.

Lavenders green dilly dilly

Lavenders blue

If you love me dilly dilly

I will love you

Let the birds sing dilly dilly

And the lambs play

The wolf children dreamed of running on a field of flowers

While lock dreamed of being on a soft cloud while. Counting sheep

We shall be safe dilly

Out of harm's way

The flowers bloomed and emitted a very nice scent which helped them. Sleep comfortably.

I love to dance dilly dilly

I love to sing

When I am queen dilly dilly

You'll be my king

Mary was dreaming about travelling the world.

Who told me so dilly dilly

Who told me so?

I told myself dilly dilly

I told me so


"That's was too precious (人’∀’)"

"I wanna have that as my lullaby!"

"Let's.memories that song"

"Isn't that the song Cale sing to put me to sleep?"-Alberu

" excuse mwha?"-Bud

"Put you to sleep?"-Taylor

" I can put you to sleep your Highness"-Choi-han said as he roles up his hands and cracks them. In knuckles(?)

"Ahh..he also sang that for me!"-Valentino said happily

" oh? So I'm not the only one who didn't get young master Cale to sing for?!"-Paseton

"I refuse to go down"-Archie

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